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Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - Printable Version

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Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - DAWWG - 11-26-2022

Your Name: Ronnie "Richie" Winchester

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59734612

Reason for ban: "Power-Gaming"

Length of ban: 3 days and Rem PKed my Character

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was falsely accused of "Power-gaming", stating that I deceived the user into thinking he can store the vehicle that I sold him into the dealership. Before the sale, I explained that the car didn't have an "ownership" or "Insurance" and that the vehicle wasn't in my name. As you can see in the footage, I sold him the car in-character and used no methods of OOC to convince him to buy the car. In the admin situation, the user explained that I deceived him, then Rem said, "so that's power gaming" and after looking at the description of "Power-gaming" according to the server rules, "Powergaming = Forcing unfair actions against another person using OOC means. The claims that I power gamed in this situation is 100% false, I may have hustled the guy to buy a car that wasn't mine (all in character), but I never power gamed. I asked for video evidence of this happening, Rem said that "I admitted to power-gaming and that he doesn't need evidence. Lastly Rem gives me an ultimatum, either I give the money back that I "Power Gamed" for, or he will "PK" my character. I stood my ground and didn't give up the money because firstly, I never power gamed, and secondly, there was even evidence to make their claims off of, rather than their own biased opinions.

Why should you be unbanned? As I observed the situation, I feel that I was treated with prejudice by Rem. When he told me he didn't need video evidence, I was confused as many situations I've been in, you need some sort of physical evidence to base your claims on so the admins can gauge what really happened in the situation, but this time that wasn't the case. I should be unbanned and un-PKed as I truly haven't broken any rules. I'd like to add to that prior to this situation, I haven't had one Ban or Warn on my record, as I do know and comply to all the server rules, as I have been enjoying this server since May 2021 with many hours on this server. Lastly, I believe I should be Unbanned and un-PKed as my punishment was harsh and unjustified. (PKed my char because of baseless claims from someone who couldn't accept the fact that I hustled them in-game, all in-character and without power gaming.)

Additional Information:
 [i](Here is a clip of the situation from what really happened)

RE: Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - Mezzxo - 11-26-2022

First, you did not "hustle" your way to get money. You directly lied to someone about a mechanic that was not on this server.
Second: You persisted to argue with admins when they were trying to explain the situation about how it was power gaming.
Third: you refused to listen to admins, and that resulted in the pk of your character.
Fourth: you decided to make ANOTHER character and go to the same person that you did the "deal" with and proceeded to continue the argument.

You continued to drag something on because you wouldn't swallow your pride. You took the time to go onto another character, approach the same man and start issues. And on top of that, you were disrespecting the staff team as a whole.
I see this ban being reduced by the good graces of REM. This ban was justified.

RE: Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - Rem - 11-26-2022

The ban was not mine. If you want to appeal the PK, then appeal it correctly.

I'll explain the powergame though as it was my sit.

You convinced someone that you are able to sell cars and transfer ownership to them. You knowingly lied about a game mechanic we don't have. You refused to listen and I explained to you multiple times. I told you to give the money back and you refused.

RE: Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - DAWWG - 11-26-2022

If you guys look at the video, I never said he could transfer ownerships, I literally said "I'll have to be honest with you, I don't own the car, I don't have insurance but I can sell it to you for $18,000" and "I have a storage unit you can use when your not using it"

Please show me where I told him that we can transfer ownerships? And what does me listening to admins have to do with PKing me character? I switched characters to see if I was able to still play on the server, I seen the guy and was talking OOC to him, saying that the Rem is biased and I didn't "start issues", you saying I "Started Issues" is subjective to your opinion.

Again guys if you actually looked at the video, I ICly hustled him to buying the car that I was driving. Again to make myself clear, I never told him we can transfer ownerships, you guys keep saying I lied but I don't see the proof cuz it never happened.

I should be unbanned as I haven't power games and you guys just saying "I power gamed and lied to him" means nothing without proof.

RE: Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - Canadian-bacon - 11-27-2022

It's pretty simple. You took advantage of a new player by skirting with an IC deal while it was clear he wasn't aware of the OOC mechanics behind how it worked. While your initial intention may not have been malicious, staff requested you to return to the money so they can void the situation as they felt it was unfair and could be easily interpreted as powergaming (by offering this deal to new players who don't fully comprehend whats happening)

Instead you refused to co-operate which caused them to PK the character and issue a punishment since you decided to make a new character and continue the argument / harassing the individual.

Your record has been fine as of late which is why I'm giving you the benefit of unbanning you. However you do need to understand that even if it's not 'explicitly' or 'technically' lying to him OOC'ly. You should refrain from doing this or at the very minimum be 100% clear (or dont offer it to new players you dont know).

This situation could have been handled in one sit had you understood the staff's perspective and cooperated.

Falsely accused of "Power-gaming" - Canadian-bacon - 11-27-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.