Diverge Networks
My ban appeal v2 - Printable Version

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My ban appeal v2 - blorx cleach - 12-14-2022

Your Name:Amon goth

Your SteamID STEAM_0:0:102078037

Reason for ban:Name | minge

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Hello admin currently reading this, I was banned for minging with my current name, my RP name is Amon Goeth which is a real world name that occurred a few decades before this server historically takes place, anyways I believe a 3 day ban is extreme considering the circumstances, I am a active player that intends on joining the police and continuing to add to the servers roleplay experience. Anyways I would like to add that my offense occured late at night and I apologize about the few faults that were made, I fully intend on being an active and productive member of this community and I look forward to improving not only the overall roleplay, but more specifically the advancements in my own Police achievements hopefully.

Why should you be unbanned? I do enjoy playing and I would really like to continue my RP experience, i understand i fucked up and it wont happen again.

(i just reposted so i could use the proper format sorry for the mishap)

My ban appeal v2 - Cordelier - 12-14-2022

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be reduced to 1 day.