Diverge Networks
Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Printable Version

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Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Guitar Guy - 12-16-2022

1 year and some change ago the time for a brick was 10 minutes (5 minutes to arrive, 5 minute cooldown) which allowed for you to make 6 bricks in 1 hour which I agree is way too quick. However, recently when it was doubled it has made grinding way more of a time sink. Typically profit margins for a brick is about 2k for every drug. Meaning you make 1k every 10 minutes in the current state of the server. I am by no means saying we should go back to 10 minutes per brick (12k made an hour), but I also think 20 minutes per brick (6k made in an hour) is too long for the average player. Personally, I think meeting in the middle at 15 minutes per brick (7.5 minutes to arrive, 7.5 minute cooldown) would be better. I know the point of the time to order a brick being increased was to combat inflation from the people who grind day and night making 500k a day, but it just sinks more time into the most boring, but necessary part of the server. I feel like this change would have to be accompanied by other new changes that would already be implemented to help take money out of the economy like gas stations, taxes, etc.

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Peril - 12-16-2022

Instead of 20 mins 15 mins is more reasonable for 1 brick. +1

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - CharlesSKS - 12-16-2022

I've been pretty vocal about the drug system that was implemented almost two years ago, in my opinion, it's become what it was made to stop. That would be repetitive grinding. Of course, it allows players to interact with others and sell/trade for other drugs on the server, but the amount of time and how it drags people away from RP is the main issue. Personally, some fix needs to be implemented for this, whether it be done by changing the times or the drug system itself. The payout is really good, but the time spent to do it is not, and it gets players from what I've seen having to grind all day to make money and they get burnt out and go inactive or leave.

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Mascotics - 12-16-2022

+1 on this. It's become a bit of a drag, as others have said, over time to continuously find a balance between grind for cash and RP with the server. I don't want it to be too quick and DarkRP'ish but slightly less time would be nice.

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Tf2 Monkey - 12-16-2022

+1 most of my time on this server has been afk grinding shipments. Please implement this idea

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Im_a_trap911 - 12-16-2022

+1 please bro we need this

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Swizler - 12-17-2022

+ one

RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - x_rocker_x1 - 12-17-2022


RE: Should Grinding Time Be Reduced? - Pendred - 12-17-2022

The way it's currently setup has been this way for over a year and a half. It works. There is no reason whatsoever to change it.