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PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Printable Version

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PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Lordskips - 12-20-2022

Name of Character: Llanzo "BomBom" Banks

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:526256772

Date of PK: 12/20/2022

Reason for PK: "initiating a shootout"

Why should you be unPK'd?: the cops shot me first and blew up my car. The clip shows 6 seconds it doesn't show the full situation they opened fire on me first and you can see logs of that. I feel like a clip that was cut so much shouldnt be valid enough proof it only starts when i get out of the car and start shooting back. It literally says I have to shoot first to be able to get pked but i didnt shoot first i was shot by 4 cops and my freind was killed because I was driving and i got out. in the sit the cops said They were shooting my tires but I was hit multiple times and so was my Freind who died while they were "shooting the tires" if anything my freind was rdmed and I was shot its an unfair pk 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Marzii - 12-20-2022


This is the clip your talking about, we had your vehicle pinned, you guys try to escape, the vehicle got blew up, we told you "Hands Hands Hands" because we were going to arrest you but instead you pull out a weapon drawing fire on the officers and you died. You didn't have to draw you're weapon but you did anyway.

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Lordskips - 12-20-2022

(12-20-2022, 10:03 PM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/MXhwD_vw3n4lC/d13373KJYjgk?invite=cr-MSxYS1AsMTUzNDUwMTQwLA

This is the clip your talking about, we had your vehicle pinned, you guys try to escape, the vehicle got blew up, we told you "Hands Hands Hands" because we were going to arrest you but instead you pull out a weapon drawing fire on the officers and you died. You didn't have to draw you're weapon but you did anyway.
but you acknowledge you shot me first whether you meant to or not thats initiating on your end which gave me the right to shoot back  you killed my freind and he wasnt even the one driving normal police don't light up a car just because they can't catch it

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Marzii - 12-20-2022

(12-20-2022, 10:10 PM)Lordskips Wrote:
(12-20-2022, 10:03 PM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/MXhwD_vw3n4lC/d13373KJYjgk?invite=cr-MSxYS1AsMTUzNDUwMTQwLA

This is the clip your talking about, we had your vehicle pinned, you guys try to escape, the vehicle got blew up, we told you "Hands Hands Hands" because we were going to arrest you but instead you pull out a weapon drawing fire on the officers and you died. You didn't have to draw you're weapon but you did anyway.
but you acknowledge you shot me first whether you meant to or not thats initiating on your end which gave me the right to shoot back  you killed my freind and he wasnt even the one driving normal police don't light up a car just because they can't catch it

also let's mention the fact that right before she sent you back you said "fuck you dumb hoe"

(12-20-2022, 10:10 PM)Lordskips Wrote:
(12-20-2022, 10:03 PM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/MXhwD_vw3n4lC/d13373KJYjgk?invite=cr-MSxYS1AsMTUzNDUwMTQwLA

This is the clip your talking about, we had your vehicle pinned, you guys try to escape, the vehicle got blew up, we told you "Hands Hands Hands" because we were going to arrest you but instead you pull out a weapon drawing fire on the officers and you died. You didn't have to draw you're weapon but you did anyway.
but you acknowledge you shot me first whether you meant to or not thats initiating on your end which gave me the right to shoot back  you killed my freind and he wasnt even the one driving normal police don't light up a car just because they can't catch it

when trying to pit you guys, y'all ran over 2 officers which give's us the right to start firing our weapons, you didn't have to pull out you're weapon to attempt to kill an officer

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Lordskips - 12-20-2022

(12-20-2022, 10:11 PM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote:
(12-20-2022, 10:10 PM)Lordskips Wrote:
(12-20-2022, 10:03 PM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/MXhwD_vw3n4lC/d13373KJYjgk?invite=cr-MSxYS1AsMTUzNDUwMTQwLA

This is the clip your talking about, we had your vehicle pinned, you guys try to escape, the vehicle got blew up, we told you "Hands Hands Hands" because we were going to arrest you but instead you pull out a weapon drawing fire on the officers and you died. You didn't have to draw you're weapon but you did anyway.
but you acknowledge you shot me first whether you meant to or not thats initiating on your end which gave me the right to shoot back  you killed my freind and he wasnt even the one driving normal police don't light up a car just because they can't catch it

also let's mention the fact that right before she sent you back you said "fuck you dumb hoe"

(12-20-2022, 10:10 PM)Lordskips Wrote:
(12-20-2022, 10:03 PM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/MXhwD_vw3n4lC/d13373KJYjgk?invite=cr-MSxYS1AsMTUzNDUwMTQwLA

This is the clip your talking about, we had your vehicle pinned, you guys try to escape, the vehicle got blew up, we told you "Hands Hands Hands" because we were going to arrest you but instead you pull out a weapon drawing fire on the officers and you died. You didn't have to draw you're weapon but you did anyway.
but you acknowledge you shot me first whether you meant to or not thats initiating on your end which gave me the right to shoot back  you killed my freind and he wasnt even the one driving normal police don't light up a car just because they can't catch it

when trying to pit you guys, y'all ran over 2 officers which give's us the right to start firing our weapons, you didn't have to pull out you're weapon to attempt to kill an officer
We did not run over 2 officers logs can also show that you guys were smashing into eachother causing others cars to run the cop over like i said this clip shows barely anything that actually happened here is him lying if i hit the cops i would have been shot there. Ive never seen someone run a cop over and not get shot at and so convenient that you only choose to shoot me after I tried getting away

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Canadian-bacon - 12-21-2022

The clip is very short. Is there a longer version of the clip available ?

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Lordskips - 12-22-2022

(12-21-2022, 05:27 PM)Canadian-bacon Wrote: The clip is very short. Is there a longer version of the clip available ?
I ask them for a longer clip when i was in the sit they said they didn't have and the admin shouldn't have pked me cuz this clip shows nothing but me dying

RE: PK Appeal (niggas cant get off my dick) - Rem - 12-27-2022

I looked at logs, no officers shot you prior to you pulling out a weapon. I think blowing up the car was reasonable and they clearly did not want to shoot you. They were clearly making an attempt to arrest you and keep you alive (very rare occurrence), but you pulled out a weapon. I mean you had like 5 guns pointed at you, you clearly risked your life regardless and lost it.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.