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Unban Thread - Printable Version

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Unban Thread - Vool - 12-22-2022

Your Name: Vool

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:607512602

Reason for ban: Rdm Pox1

Length of ban:2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I felt disrespected in the moment cause i got called a nigga and im black but i understand  now i cant let my actions go overboard like that over such a little problem  , (ill compensate if player lost anything)

Why should you be unbanned?  I enjoy playing this server genuinely and want to progress on with the family i made on this server also like the general atmosphere of the player base

RE: Unban Thread - James - 12-23-2022

i banned you because you killed someone for no reason what so ever and you admitted to this. you were walking on the street and just shot someone randomly, i banned you for 2 days due to you having 5 other bans on record, you should have read the rules by now use this time to do it

RE: Unban Thread - Eliza - 12-23-2022

You and your friend randomly started pointing your guns at a random person. I knew who the person was and I actually was talking to him, I said something along the lines of "what's going on n****". You were pointing your guns at both of us now and decided to follow us from world corp to about pharmacy and then finally decided to shoot and kill me for no reason. I'm pretty sure neither of us did or said anything but try to keep walking as I'm pretty sure neither of us had a gun to defend ourselves. Unfortunately for you, both of the people you were pointing guns at were staff members and it just so happened that a staff member was already watching the situation. I personally think your ban is fair for having RDM already on your record, it's just 2 days.

RE: Unban Thread - Marzii - 12-23-2022

I was the other member that was involved in this incident. I come out of world corp and i say "I'm the biggest bird im the biggest bird" and i'm not sure what one of you said but anyways when i'm trying to walk away one of you starts pointing a gun at me for no absolute reason? I didn't say anything to offend you or anything. Then Eliza comes out from being AFK or wtv she was doing and she goes "shut up nigga" talking to me bc were friends and that's how we are towards each other. I tell you guys to drop the weapons because we didn't want no trouble and we didn't do anything to deserve weapons pointed at us. Half way to the car dealer and you shoot Eliza which then alarms me and i duck down at the hot dog stand and will out my weapon to attempt to kill you guys, I achieve to kill one of you but sadly ran out of bullets leaving me with no where to go and ur buddy killing me. I think you ban is fair and you deserve it.

RE: Unban Thread - ZOOMER - 12-23-2022

Hello, sorry if you feel disrespected. Generally slurs are allowed as long as it is within in-character contexts. However, if you feel you've been specifically targeted or harassed for being black, feel free to make a player report.

However, after viewing your POs I believe it's best that your ban remains. Your track record does not reflect well on you.

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have further inquiries or questions, feel free to contact us directly via Discord.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules