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Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Printable Version

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Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Dooquan Matoomba - 01-01-2023

Your Name:
Salvatore Bonpensiero

Your SteamID 
Reason for ban:
NLRx8 | ARDMx2 (allegedly) 
Length of ban:
2 weeks
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
Why should you be unbanned?

Lmao, I was literally banned for two weeks for walking up to people. WALKING UP TO PEOPLE. At the bar across from the PD. It wasn't NLR as every time I went back, I treated it as if it were a new life more than the clowns who reported me did, as they kept telling me to move along, go away, you're breaking NLR, etc. even though I was more in RP than them as I didn't even acknowledge these previous altercations that I would have no knowledge on because I was murdered by them. They should have recognized me as a different person each time. Each time I went up to them I had something new to say. 

"I want a job"
"I want a drink" 
"I'm thirsty"
"Go fuck your mother"

Don't think it's fair to say NLRx8 either considering there were times where I didn't even go back at all for over 20 minutes and you're also including a few supposed NLR from hours ago, which those idiots also reported me for, from a previous session I had joined the server, which wasn't the same session as this one where I was just banned. You can't just include every time I walked by, went past or looked at the building over a few hours and combine that in to 8 NLR strikes, that makes absolutely no sense. I was literally walking on the sidewalk where the PD is, across from them, and they walked over and were still hounding me to fuck off and threatening my character's life, even though I wasn't even close to them and was going my own way. They provoked my character every time and I had the right to either continue walking or confront them about their threats, and I chose to pursue and confront. 

 And it wasn't ARDM, it was self defense that was provoked, I didn't just walk up to them and beat their brains in with a baseball bat. We both provoked each other, and in that instant, it's fair on both sides to attack each other. They either pulled their guns on me first and threatened my life or insulted me. And if you're going to say being insulted isn't a justifiable reason to attack, I was RDM'ed by that group a few times for simply walking up to a police station, with no confirmation or knowledge at all that I was going to rat on them. Didn't have a weapon on me, didn't threaten them, didn't even say I was going to rat them to the police, nothing. They told me to move along and fuck off from the premises, and that's exactly what I did, yet I was still gunned down. Fair enough that they kill me when I start attacking them, but to say it's ARDM and unprovoked is like saying Russia invading Ukraine was an unprovoked attack, when in reality, it was provoked. Severely, severely provoked.  

Review that opening statement again. 

A two week ban; for walking up to people. 
A two week ban; for self defense.
No ban at all for the people who gunned me down for walking away when they asked me to. 

The admin, Moses, didn't get my side at all. He just froze me, and he clearly saw too that I wasn't even harming anyone, I was just walking up to people and talking a bit of shit. That's all I did. Does that seriously warrant a 2 week ban?  
He just went full autocratic on my ass, didn't listen to me, and just said, "appeal it on the forums", wow. What a fucking lazy and biased approach to moderating that you listen to one side and don't even get to the bottom of the other side at all. Sounds like the mainstream leftist democratic establishment to me. 
That's not how you moderate. That's how you dictate. 

RE: Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Marzii - 01-01-2023

"You MUST follow NLR after every death. You will not remember anything from the last 15 minutes before your last death in RP. Nor can you return to the same RP situation." -Rule of NLR

If you kept returning to the rp scene that you died at then you're breaking NLR

RE: Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Moses - 01-01-2023

I was shown several clips of you dying, and returning to the same building and interacting with the employees over and over again. I don't need to 'Get your side' when I am witnessing you break the rules before my own eyes.

RE: Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - CaptSkull21 - 01-01-2023

-1 this man just keeps getting banned constantly and also admitted to breaking the rules on his appeal it’s breaking nlr if you go back to the same place where you died

RE: Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Dooquan Matoomba - 01-01-2023

(01-01-2023, 08:26 AM)Dicky Wrinkler Wrote: "You MUST follow NLR after every death. You will not remember anything from the last 15 minutes before your last death in RP. Nor can you return to the same RP situation." -Rule of NLR

If you kept returning to the rp scene that you died at then you're breaking NLR
I wasn't returning to the scene of the death, I was trying to walk to other places in that vicinity, eg. the diner, the gun store, the music shop, as all those are down the road. 
The people outside the bar stopped me every single time I was trying to make my way over there.

(01-01-2023, 08:43 AM)Moses Wrote: I was shown several clips of you dying, and returning to the same building and interacting with the employees over and over again. I don't need to 'Get your side' when I am witnessing you break the rules before my own eyes.
yeah bro, and of course, you take their side and ignore when they RDM'd me outside the PD. You do need to get my side because you miss out on pivotal omissions like this, considering I also made a ticket that got ignored, but theirs got taken with no hesitation. 
I also want to emphasize the word you used:
Which was all I was doing. Interacting. And when it turned violent between us, it was provoked. Everytime. We both started shit and that's what escalated to me being killed and me damaging them, or ARDM as you called it, even though it was not.
As I stated in the other comment, I was trying to make my way to other locations in the vicinity like the diner, the music store, gun store, etc. and they stopped me every time I walked past them to get to these places. I did nothing, they were the ones who decided to stop and pursue me. Plus, on the ban it was a first offence, so don't you think 2 weeks is fucking pushing it?

(01-01-2023, 08:44 AM)CaptSkull21 Wrote: -1 this man just keeps getting banned constantly and also admitted to breaking the rules on his appeal it’s breaking nlr if you go back to the same place where you died
where did I admit to breaking the rules? And me getting banned has nothing to do with anything, as all the past reports I've made are genuine, and should have been accepted but the admins on this server are so power-hungry, up tight and so up their own ass that admitting that they're wrong, even when they KNOW they're wrong, is virtually impossible.

RE: Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Mezzxo - 01-01-2023

You return to the same place you died, that is considered NLR. Based on the clips, I see this as a justified ban.

RE: Walking up to people constitutes a 2 week ban - Rem - 01-01-2023

You've obtained 4 bans in 1 month. Either get a basic understanding of rules or don't play at all. Don't know why you are bringing up unnecessary garbage in your appeal.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules