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PK Appeal - Printable Version

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PK Appeal - Fran - 01-05-2023

Name of Character: Frank "The Weasel" Costello

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59849529

Date of PK: 05. Jan 2022

Reason for PK: Leaving a family.

Why should you be unPK'd?: I had just joined the server after a year long brake. I joined a family by mistake seeing as all I wanted to do was be an associate and stand in front of the door. I reached an admin to take me out of the family because I failed to fully realise I had permanently joined a family I didnt want to be a part of. I didnt realise it was cause enough for a PK.  I never received info about PK by the family either also.

RE: PK Appeal - Young Wallace - 01-05-2023

Sorry to hear that man, there is a reason that when you join a family there is a disclaimer that you can get PKed.
Let this be a learning lesson and be more careful with future characters when reviewing an opportunity to join a family.

RE: PK Appeal - Fran - 01-05-2023

(01-05-2023, 01:19 AM)Young Wallace Wrote: -1
Sorry to hear that man, there is a reason that when you join a family there is a disclaimer that you can get PKed.
Let this be a learning lesson and be more careful with future characters when reviewing an opportunity to join a family.

Hear that, but I didnt even have anything on that char, I just want to keep the same name Ive had since the birth of this server tbh.

RE: PK Appeal - Ram - 01-05-2023

Hello, I was the Staff Member who transferred you out of the faction and issued the ban to your character.

When you made a ticket saying you wished to leave the faction since you "weren't" supposed to be in it since you were only an associate, I warned stating that they would likely come to kill you if you did. You didn't have any objection so I proceeded to change your faction to citizens per your request.

After some time passed, a ticket was made requesting for a Permanent Kill on your character as you left the faction without notifying any leadership figure in said faction and I approved of it due it being within the Permanent Kill Guidelines since generally associates who are security, waiters, doormen, drivers, etc. are not put into the faction so I am under the assumption that you held a high enough position to be let into the faction.

RE: PK Appeal - Fran - 01-05-2023

I agree that I shouldn’t have been put into the faction, especially since I had only been on the server for an hour + and did nothing but doorman duty for a couple of mins before being invited. It might have to do with opening doors and being able to do my job better, but I still believe putting me into a faction and making me a part of the family without me knowing anybody in the family. Nobody f3d me nor did I meet anybody except for one person, who put into the faction.

Im not sure what to tell you, but I feel like talking to the guy who PK'd me might give more insight, because I feel like its unjust at least.

RE: PK Appeal - Wickers - 01-05-2023

I just want to clarify that I asked you at least 3 times do you want a permanent job after you finish your doorman duty and you answered with “ Yes-Sure”. even I brought you in the back room and asked you do you wish to make more money and you said “ Yeah” Don’t lie about saying you were hired aka brought into the faction by mistake.

RE: PK Appeal - Rem - 01-05-2023

Ultimately, you are given a prompt saying whether you want to join or not. If you chose to ignore it, then that's your problem. Apart of the gameplay is getting PKed. Learn from it.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.