Diverge Networks
Ban Appeal for AmericanDad1 - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal for AmericanDad1 - AmericanDad1 - 01-09-2023

Your Name:


Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):


Reason for ban:

"General Minge | POx7 | Never seen you play properly

Length of ban:


Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):

I would like to dispute the nature of this ban as the reason given was not very specific. I would also like to apologize for any perceived minge-ish behavior on my part. I did not think I was doing anything against the rules at the time, or at least, anything that warranted an indefinite ban.

Why should you be unbanned?

I enjoyed playing on this server and would like to continue doing so. I enjoy interacting with its users, and my actions did not seem to bother anyone else.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):


RE: Ban Appeal for AmericanDad1 - Canadian-bacon - 01-09-2023

I joined the server early in the night to an out of control non approved riot with several Minge agitators who were constantly RDM'ing, Minging, NLR'ing, just breaking rules basically.

I handled each individual and stopped the riot. At one point during the middle of this I answered a ticket where you were using your body to block a door in PD with a fail name. I witnessed you minge, run back to PD to minge inside and body block as well as use new fail names. Obviously this sounds inconsequential but it carries the same minge behaviour that's represented from your past bans. Indicates to me you have no actual intention to roleplay properly on the server and if that's the case we have no reason to allow you on.

RE: Ban Appeal for AmericanDad1 - mEEm - 01-09-2023

You were banned for MRDM on Prometheus like six hours after posting this.

RE: Ban Appeal for AmericanDad1 - Rem - 01-09-2023

Literally this lmao ^

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules