Diverge Networks
Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - RAGEkilby - 01-22-2023

Your Name: Allen Rigotti

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198797666889/

Your Discord ID#: 709039732671119738

Reason for ban: LTARP

Length of ban: 2 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Gmod has a problem where every time i press f8 to share my screen on discord it likes to close whatever im doing, try to open a sandbox, then crash gmod. I figured out that if i go to the console and type unbind f8, it wont do this anymore. That was my assumption until pressing it last night and it closed gmod again. I figured out I must unbind it every time I open gmod again. So naturally, as to avoid getting this ban, i tried to load back in, and was met with an "overload" error message (This has been a reoccurring) problem. I tried multiple times to get in last night to no avail.

Why should you be unbanned?: Because it's not my fault my computer didn't want to load the server.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 01-22-2023

Will acknowledge you actively made attempts to return. I would recommend trying to resolve your crashing issue to avoid future issues.

Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 01-22-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.