Diverge Networks
Freako Ban Appeal - Please accept. I beg. Please. - Printable Version

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Freako Ban Appeal - Please accept. I beg. Please. - Freako - 02-10-2023

Your Name: Freako

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:88049974

Your Discord ID#: Freako#4288

Reason for ban: Interrupting Inaguration 

Length of ban: Permanent 

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Apology

Why should you be unbanned? I have connected to the MafiaRP server Diverge network probably only a handful of times throughout its entire lifetime and in these times I have found this server to be unpleasant and distasteful to what I believe MafiaRP should be. I am writing a solemn apology today in hopes that my permanent ban may be lifted and I may be free to randomly and sporadically connect to the server probably every 6 months or so. I have been depressed, lost, confused since my departure from Mafia Rolepaly and I wish to get back into this gamemode. I can't even rememeber being banned before today but if it says I am banned, then I must be banned. I am sorry for interrupting an inaguration, you know back in my day that wasn't a perma ban and the fact I was banned for this is quite frankly bananas. But, I don't really plan on playing actively just want to not be banned and I'd truly do anything to make that happen Wink 

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I have played mafiarp for 5 years and never encountered oppression like this.

Can you message me on discord Freako#4288 if I do get unbanned or if you 'people' have any questions. Freako#4288. Won't check this monkey ass yeye forums again.

RE: Freako Ban Appeal - Please accept. I beg. Please. - Yung Rock - 02-10-2023

back in my day, this guy was the godfather of the commission. It's a crime to the community to not be inclusive, I'll even go as far as to say it's straight up online bullying. please unban.. now. plase

Freako Ban Appeal - Please accept. I beg. Please. - Hue - 02-11-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules