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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Dopedealer1337 - 02-11-2023

Your Name: Jamar Javaris Llamar

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:21135664

Your Discord ID#: LuckyLuke#7743

Reason for ban: NITRP/Failmug/PO's

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I dont dispute the fail mug but i do dispute the nitrp as well as putting too much emphasis on my PO's

Why should you be unbanned?

I was initially given a 1 month ban because i had attempted a mugging outside of the PD. That this is a fail mug i understand, but i got to talk with the admin for about 10 seconds and he concluded i also had no intentional to roleplay which is not true. Ive played on the server a long time, ive donated and i do try to play seriously and keep myself out of trouble and bans. However i have racked up 13 prior to this one since 2021 which factored into my ban being overturned from a month to perma.

Id like to point out that at closer inspection, my first 7 bans are all for micspam which were wrongfully given by admins who were not clear on the fact you can play music from your car via mic as long as its time appropriate, this was before casettes in car were around. 

My 8th ban is for fail advert, i meant to shitpost in ooc but accidentally did it in advert.

The 9th one is for ardm, i wasnt clear on where the line for initiating hostilities went at the time and i thought i was clear to start fighting since a verbal argument and fight had been going on, this one was my bad but i didnt do it intentionally.

The 10th one was for 12 hours cause i apparently transferred items, i honestly dont remember this ban and i think it was applied after i was off the server and expired before i got on again, so i wasnt even aware of this one.

The 11th one was for minging and 2 counts of ardm, i dont remember this one so it could be justified for all i know.

The 12th was NITRP, i was asked to change my name by an admin and as a joke i changed it to something similar sounding, the joke wasnt appreciated and i got banned for nitrp, id say this one is questionable.

The 13th one was for LTAP which was a mistake cause i was afk for dinner and if one reads that ban you can see that the admin unbanned since i returned and had the sit with him, where i was cleared of what id been reported of.

And the final one was this ban, now with all that said, while my ban list is long, once you actually take a closer look at what i was banned for and the context of it I dont think that makes me a toxic player who deserves a permanent ban. I dont dispute ive made some mistakes and broken some rules but i feel a perma is too much. I love this server, ive played a long time and I dont intentionally and maliciously break rules and I please ask for a ban reduction.

Thanks for reading.

RE: Ban Appeal - Frankie Four Fingers Savoletti - 02-11-2023

[Image: 5d5acb1d62335.jpeg]
+1 my homie is innocent he a stand up nigga of his hood. HE GIVES US FREE TURKEYS TO HIS HOOD ON THANKSGIVING NIGGAS

RE: Ban Appeal - maudicus - 02-11-2023

+1 I have known him for a long time and he has never done anything with malicious intent and is overall a nice person.

RE: Ban Appeal - Lordskips - 02-11-2023

cant trust a nigga whos steam name is dixie normus

RE: Ban Appeal - Rem - 02-14-2023

Failure to take accountability. 7 of your bans are not wrong. You failed to make a ban appeal, so they are valid.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules