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ban appeal - Printable Version

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ban appeal - oldh3rb - 02-26-2023

Your Name: Terrance ‘Iron Balls’ McGinty

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:0:739811423

Your Discord ID#: oldh3rb#8958

Reason for ban: Metagame

Length of ban: 4 Weeks

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
There was a miscommunication involved in using Discord versus in game. I’m still quite new to Diverge and I just slipped up in terms of metagame. We mainly use our discord for out of character chat and some information was passed through it which was taken in character. I just made an error in judgement and I apologise. As I'm quite new to the server I sometimes slip up the words ‘discord’ and ‘pager’, as our Discord contains a lot of useful information regarding the faction. I’ll be a lot more intentive to using Discord in future. I only use it for IC reasons and encourage others to do the same if I hear them talking about IC in the Discord. I apologise again for the issues caused.

Why should you be unbanned?
I don’t necessarily believe I should be unbanned, but I would be happy if it was reduced. I don’t have any previous for metagaming, it was just a misjudgement on my part and I took responsibility in the sit without lying about it.
I also have a clip of me metagaming ACCIDENTALLY which, I fully admit too. I think a week or 4 weeks w.e the ban was way too harsh and everyone else in my crew was following my orders as underboss, I was genuinely trying to do good RP revenge kill, no PK on the dude. I regret metagaming but there was so many people talking between the disc and in-game, I couldn't tell what was meta and what wasn't. I'd be happy just for a shorter ban and everyone involved in my crew getting the event struck from their record. I was honestly the only person in the wrong, I got them to posse up and I committed the murder. Honestly. My bad, it's frustrating being new to this kind of RP and there's a lot of rules to remember for a guy who's only been on a few GMOD servers, I went around things the wrong way. Either way, it's upto you guys and it won't happen again.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): I think someone has a clip, but only of the admin sit.

Message @Siyico

RE: ban appeal - Marzii - 02-26-2023

Hello, I wasn't the one who directly ban you but I was apart of the whole situation that went down. Your ban still says that it's a week so I'm not too sure where you got the 4 weeks from. You did get banned for Metagame and RDM so I think the 1 week is fair.

RE: ban appeal - Plixily - 02-26-2023

Hey, I was the one who banned you and I would like to say first off that you fully admitted to metagaming there is no argument there. However, I do think you are a bit confused as your ban is set to one week, not four weeks. I feel as though this is rather generous of a ban length. And not to mention your appeal says you only got banned for metagaming but you got banned for metagaming as well as RDM. Therefore I do not feel this deserves any leniency and the time shall remain the same.

ban appeal - Ram - 02-26-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules