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Nissim's Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Nissim's Ban Appeal - El Ruso - 03-02-2023

Your Name: Nissim/El Ruso

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_0:1:156795431

Your Discord ID#: Nissim#6200

Reason for ban: Ltap

Length of ban: Perma

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): both

Why should you be unbanned?
First of i would like to apologise for misunderstanding of leaving after getting killed during a mugging. I tought there is nothing wrong of me leaving after getting killed because i was aware that im gonna get pked anyway (offline pk) and i was ready to face the consequences. After playing mafia rp for 2 years and most of my bans and Po's were from years/months ago, I dont belive a perma ban would be the right punishment. After i died there was no more rp (situation was over) I dont belive its Ltap ban because i wasnt in a sit and in no way i could avoid my punishment and i knew im gonna get offline pked also in minute i was on and then left no admin pulled me (Rayve was on). The reason i appeal this ban because it seems too harsh and odd to ban someone for Ltap (i been in the same situations and its ended up in a offline pk).To conclude the situation i would like to apologise for breaking the rules even if in the 2 years and being in the same scenarios before i was ready to face the consequences for being killed (pk), i just want to go back to RP and play the server again.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc): nothing to add

RE: Nissim's Ban Appeal - IZO - 03-02-2023

+1 Don't think an LTAP ban should be administered in this situation seeing that he wasn't in a sit with an admin and the RP was over. The admin just presumed that he left to avoid being PKed and thats why he administered the perma ban.

Nissim's Ban Appeal - Rem - 03-03-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules