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PK appeal - Printable Version

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PK appeal - Tweaked - 03-10-2023

Name of Character: Vincenzo "Bones" Caleno

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:207958855

Your Discord ID#: Tweaked#9420

Date of PK: 3/10/2023

Reason for PK: "Breaking family rules"

Why should you be unPK'd?: From what I can gather, I was killed for moving money back and forth from two private bank accounts to which I had access. The two private bank accounts were created back when the original Lucchese crimes were still around, and the owner of the two private bank accounts was a couple of old business partners. The money that I had was all private and was not taken or stolen from the new Lucchese crime family. The money I allegedly "stole" originated from former Lucchese higher-ups and remained in collective ownership for several months of inactivity. After becoming active on the server again, part of this money was used to assist a known group of acquaintances in starting up the Lucchese faction again in return for a high command position in the organization. Never during this transaction was ownership of the former Lucchese bank account containing this money promised. No one from the new Lucchese high command had access or perms to withdraw or deposit cash into said account. At one point, the high command of Lucchese asked to get perms to the bank account with my partners and my money, but when I tried to add them, it kicked me off because I was not the account owner. The most that I agreed with was to give them money if they asked for it. This money never belonged to these men, nor did they have any claim over it.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: None that I'm aware of.

RE: PK appeal - KOSS Evolution - 03-10-2023

So this is why I greenlighted the PK. 1 when it comes to the pk guidelines they satisfied all of the needs for a pk to be granted. The current heads of the Lucchese Crime Family made a ticket explaining they wanted a pk. After I brought one of them he explained to me that the money was promised to him and that you had taken it from a mutual account and had given it to some friends and when asked to give it back they said that you said that you don't have it your friend has it. They had expressed to me that what you did was a violation of family rules as you took money from them that was promised. I monitored the entire pk where the gentlemen that were carrying it out were searching for you for about 10 minutes. No metagame was discovered from my pov they didn't break any rules or did something outside of the scope of the pk. If what you are saying is true there just isn't much we can realistically do about it as both sides are saying something different. The pk guidelines were indeed satisfied they provided proof of rank to show me that you were indeed in that faction and held a significant rank. If your appeal does get accepted please note they will probably still not allow you to be in their faction anymore.

RE: PK appeal - hopleyt - 03-10-2023

Since I was realistically a part of this let me provide some further clarification
To start with that money
Was mine from my bank account that I owned as profit from a business I Ran from back in the day I referred to it as my nest egg in case I ever returned
The only two people that had access to that account aside from me where my two former business partners

And no such time did I give any authorization to give away all of my money
The same argument applies both ways just because they were listed on an account that had the money for a hot minute doesn't mean it was theirs to take just like it was not his to remove from my account in the first place.

I do not believe this PK to be valid and just
Therefore I believe this should be overturned because they had no right to assume my money was theirs

Real stand Up guys here fabricating lies and ultimately Pking a dude for not giving over money that wasn't his to give

Thank you for taking the time to read this

RE: PK appeal - hopleyt - 03-10-2023


RE: PK appeal - justcallmeryan - 03-10-2023

Hello, this PK was approved by me, and no metagame was done in any matter whatsoever, i record all my gameplay.

Mr tweaked aka bones agreed to share his money with the faction which was a primary reason for him being brought in, brining him in harmed faction relations with the bonnanos who had issue with us brining ex. lucchese leadership, this is all in character as this was an ex lucchese character of his.

Bones one day decided to remove all the money while speaking to us about bringing blacklisted members into the faction, with no authorization of removing the money from the shared account with the don, dissrespecting a direct order. He then claims to have "Lost" the money.

it is clear that Bones disrespected don's orders, and tried to subvert funds that were no longer his.

The matter of weather or not he had taken those funds from someone else is irrelevant as he had shared them with the faction and cannot take them back without don's approval.

If UA would like to directly speak to me about the matter my discord is Justcallmeryan#6682

RE: PK appeal - hopleyt - 03-11-2023

With all due Respect, it was my understanding the original deal was we give you 3 million dollars to buy you guys the faction and in return, bones would receive the underboss position but that didn't happen

Furthermore, I'd like to address the issue of blacklisted members the one in specific you're referring to you claimed the commission has blacklisted him

and when asked why  you said we're not a part of it currently so I don't know the specific reason The fact is he's blacklisted  when asked what it'll take to get him in good standing with the commission you said bruh  we're Italians money will do what else can we offer and gave me a price of $3 million

well isn't that funny  we've spoken to  members of the commission  and they say there is no such blacklist existing with them that you guys are imposing it yourself

now let's talk about harming relationships shall we
when questioned about this promise to the Italians the response I received was and I quote promise also to the Italians that we won't take back any old Lucchese which we made to be accepted by a faction of the Italians.

This led me to my question how can you offer to take me back if the above statement was true? To which you replied I am free game to be brought back in I would be a compromise just like bones was

doesn't make sense how you made a deal to take absolutely none of us and then you can start making compromises left right and Center excluding the one person above that was banned he's going to cost $3 million

Now to your point of subverting funds, I would like to know how that's possible when it wasn't his to take in the first place and he didn't have my consent to move my money in the first place

so personally with all my points stated above  it makes me question what if anything that's been said is true I mean why not just be honest if you don't want the guy in your faction say so if he actually did something wrong and needs to make up for it say so  don't hide behind the commission

I can be reached if needed by ua hopleyt#8305

RE: PK appeal - justcallmeryan - 03-11-2023

what you fail to understand is that bones gave this money to the faction, whether it was his to give or not is irrelevant the moment the boss tells him that he needs access and bones gives him said access to the money while simultaneously promising to help buy important properties with said money, only to "lose" it while in important talks shows a complete disregard for the dons orders and faction rules. any talks that were had with you are irrelevant to bone's actions.

He openly said the money was the faction to use and then took the money away from the faction (something that is easily pk worthy).

again to re-iterate, our separate dealings with you have nothing to do with this, trying to create a false link is nothing but acting in bad faith from your part.

there was no attempt made to regain the money as you stated it was yours and we can accept that, bones was pk'ed because he never made us aware of this while claiming this money was for lucchese to use, only to then remove it from a shared account with the don.

RE: PK appeal - hopleyt - 03-11-2023

Again with all due respect
It is my understanding that the conversation that was had was not here have all my money was if you need access to some money talk about it and I can see about helping you

Furthermore I would like to discuss how you feel these are separate dealings with myself and me trying to create a false link is nothing much but acting in bad faith on my part

I find that interesting as well because my records show that your faction leader said and I quote

Hello when is it possible to chat and hopefully sort this mess out
After asking about what he's referring to you chime in and say where Johnny took the money and your leader says and the issue with the commission

Now throughout that whole conversation there is multiple times in which you imply that by giving the money is the outcome you guys want
And I quote the money you give will not just be used to buy property it will also be used for Johnny's ban Lift and to give us operating funds for the faction as a whole
But somehow you see that as a separate ordeal yet when literally everything about this PK revolves around my money so I fail to see how the issues are separate

If it makes any difference and there's any UA that would like to see it I do have the full conversation history and I can provide it if needed

I have also included two different screenshots from that conversation history to kind of further aid in my point that it appears to me you had full intentions of bringing us in the faction and getting the money back

PK appeal - Rem - 03-11-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.