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Sampson Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Sampson Ban Appeal - Sampson - 04-02-2023

Your Name: Sampson 

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:221247699

Your Discord ID#: Sampson#6977

Reason for ban: LTAP x2 | LTARP x3 | POx2

Length of ban: 7 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Both

Why should you be unbanned?

For starters, I was being chased by the police for making a spitting noise through my microphone (spitting on his shoe at most) The officer then chased me, tazed me, beat me, and tried to arrest me, due to the lack of staff (sometimes | happened to lack staff at this time) I had tried to switch to my other character and wait it out. This was an extremely unintelligent action by me, I have spoken to a few people I know who play the server often, I then realized you don't just get booked instantly after an arrest, I can appeal a case. With this knowledge, I will carry out my RP to further extents and attempt to be the best fit for the community I can. This is only my 3rd or 4th time being in the server so I am fairly new to the rules and plan to read up on them further.

Another thing to mention, I have never gotten in trouble before on this server so I am confused as to where the Prior Offenses have come from, maybe confusion with the admin?

With no further deley, thank you for reading I hope you can take this in the best way possible

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Sampson Ban Appeal - Guitar Guy - 04-02-2023

Hey, I was the staff member that banned you. When I took the ticket I saw that you already disconnected and in your notes you were warned the same day for LTAP/LTARP. LTARP is when you swap chars to avoid something, LTAP is when you disconnect to avoid something. Your previous notes were for LTARP x2 from the same day. When checking the logs I saw that you swapped characters and disconnected on top of that.

[Image: image.png]

Ill reduce the ban by 2 days which would make 4 days remaining.

RE: Sampson Ban Appeal - Sampson - 04-02-2023

I cannot deny a word you said other than the mention of me being previously warned, I did not talk to any staff member regarding a warning, and even if I had talked to an admin, that would only justify for 1 PO correct? I have some people who could vouch for me. Thank you for the reduction.

In my personal opinion, the cop ruined the roleplay from the jump, trying to push a false arrest on someone minding their own business, working at an establishment that is understaffed. Nothing comes from this ban except and even more understaffed business and an officer who thinks he can report and get anyone pushed off the server. Then again, you are the staff member, you make the bigshot calls.

The cop had failed rp, I joined back to check if I was going to get pulled into a sit (waited about 5-10 min) didn't get pulled anywhere or mentioned about punishment, had to leave for family matters.

RE: Sampson Ban Appeal - Guitar Guy - 04-03-2023

Staff don't necessarily have to bring you to a sit to warn you/add a note. Is it courteous?, yes. Is it Required?, no.

In real life if you spit on a cop (shoes, face, doesn't matter) they will try to arrest you because it is consider assault. Him trying to arrest you after you do something doesn't equal FailRP.

RE: Sampson Ban Appeal - Sampson - 04-03-2023

There was no rp stating that I had spit on him at all, I had just made noises through my microphone, Him trying to pin a noise I made as assault is far over the line of failrp.

RE: Sampson Ban Appeal - mEEm - 04-03-2023

+1 The note I gave him, I believe, came from the situation for which he was later banned, and should not count as a PO. I also noticed the officers acting strange and it seems they were not super serious - one was discharged today for a litany of infractions.

RE: Sampson Ban Appeal - Guitar Guy - 04-03-2023

Went back and checked all the logs. Tsar is correct, the POs were from the same situation so that's on me and I will take the POx2 off the ban. I would assume that after you disconnected to leave for night the cops took that as you LTAP'ing again. Since they seem unreliable I'll say that the day and some change that you have been banned is enough time served in my opinion.

Final decision is up to UA but I would move to have you unbanned.

Sampson Ban Appeal - Hue - 04-03-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.