Diverge Networks
festive's ban appeal - Printable Version

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festive's ban appeal - 20festive - 04-14-2023

Your Name: festive / 20festive

Your SteamID: 76561198360043950 / STEAM_0:0:199889111

Your Discord ID: 292775599519301632

Reason for ban: NITRP

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal: I wont sugarcoat it, or make up anything. I was simply there to be a minge. I have never taken rp servers seriously, and always made fun of the people there. I have been banned for a while, but I'm trying to actually rp normally. I am sorry for any of the disturbance I may have caused, and I am willing to give rp a serious try, and even if I don't have fun on it, (which is unlikely) that doesn't mean I would do anything wrong, I just wouldn't play on the server instead.
I am genuinely remorseful for what I did, and I would like to have an unban.

Why should you be unbanned? I don't even think I deserve much of an unban, but I like to believe everyone deserves a second chance, what I did really wasn't even that bad, and I didn't get a single warning before the permanent ban. Regardless I still don't think I am that worthy but I would greatly appreciate it.

festive's ban appeal - Hue - 04-14-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.