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PK Appeal - Printable Version

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PK Appeal - TheIrishman - 04-14-2023

Name of Character: Daniel "Danny" Greene

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60198520

Your Discord ID#: Shamrock#1403

Date of PK: 4/14/2023

Reason for PK: Apparently I was being "Mugged"

Why should you be unPK'd?: 

I feel that the mugging was a failed attempt, because I had my gun out before it was stated that it was a mugging. I pulled my gun out right after the first guy pulled his out, and before the second guy did. I was already shooting the first guy, before I was told it was a mugging. Obviously since it's been approved already, I know it's a long shot, and I understand that it could very well be valid, and that I may be wrong. But I figured I might as well try, and show my clip, from my perspective, to see if anyone shares my view on it. This is my first time ever being pk'd in my time of playing on the server, on and off, and I just came back to the server after a lengthy break, so forgive me if my understanding of the rules is inaccurate. I have been "mugged" before, once , and seen clips of other people being mugged, and from my experience at least, it was always initiated by the mugger quickly and coherently stating that it was a mugging and stating things like "You're under fearrp" and things of that nature. And even starting to speak before they draw their guns. I was in the elevator, going up to check on some lockpicking I heard, when the guy in the elevator pulled out a gun randomly. So I, in turn, pulled mine out as quick as possible, as you would do, normally. For all I knew, the guy was just going to RDM me for laughs, or that maybe he was going to do so to prevent me from stopping them from lockpicking the room they were trying to get in to, in the off chance he was with the black guy that can be seen in the background of the clip. I would have never thought that the two guys in the elevator were together, as they had not spoken the whole time they were in the hotel while gambling. Honestly, the first thing I thought was, "they must be trying to distance themselves from the guy that's lockpicking so that they wouldn't be mistaken for being a part of it. Maybe the rules are, in fact, that anyone who pulls out a gun before someone else does, automatically places anybody near them under fearrp. But that doesn't make much sense to me, so I thought I would come here to see if that is indeed, true. Regardless, this is just to show the clip I have and the situation from my perspective and to see if that changes anything, before I sign off from the server for good, since I won't be able to play anymore.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence:


RE: PK Appeal - Dong - 04-15-2023


I was the Admin who administered the PK in this situation.

During the mugging, it was apparent to me that you did not at all value your life. This was due to you pulling out a weapon whilst already under fear RP. During the altercation, it was apparent that you had pulled out your gun instantly to try and kill both the perpetrators. I understand your point that they where mid stating that they where initiating the mugging. But by this point, the perpetrator had already put you under fear RP.

To clear up your understanding about the rules regarding fear RP. I understand you where under the impression that the perpetrators may have had no intentions to PK you. But ultimately, as you stated in your appeal. If someone pulls out a weapon on you, then you are immediately placed under fear RP. Which in this situation, they had placed you under fear RP and you broke it by attempting to kill the perpetrators. In future you should always expect the unexpected, whilst also needing to value your life at all times. I would strongly advise that you should read over the PK guidelines before next playing, and if you haven’t already, please read the rules also. This will benefit you in the future of your time playing the server. I believe this PK to be 100% valid, but due to you not understanding the PK rules properly. I’m happy for this PK to be overturned.

RE: PK Appeal - TheIrishman - 04-15-2023

(04-15-2023, 08:31 AM)Dong Wrote: Hello,

I was the Admin who administered the PK in this situation.

During the mugging, it was apparent to me that you did not at all value your life. This was due to you pulling out a weapon whilst already under fear RP. During the altercation, it was apparent that you had pulled out your gun instantly to try and kill both the perpetrators. I understand your point that they where mid stating that they where initiating the mugging. But by this point, the perpetrator had already put you under fear RP.

To clear up your understanding about the rules regarding fear RP. I understand you where under the impression that the perpetrators may have had no intentions to PK you. But ultimately, as you stated in your appeal. If someone pulls out a weapon on you, then you are immediately placed under fear RP. Which in this situation, they had placed you under fear RP and you broke it by attempting to kill the perpetrators. In future you should always expect the unexpected, whilst also needing to value your life at all times. I would strongly advise that you should read over the PK guidelines before next playing, and if you haven’t already, please read the rules also. This will benefit you in the future of your time playing the server. I believe this PK to be 100% valid, but due to you not understanding the PK rules properly. I’m happy for this PK to be overturned.

Hey man. I appreciate you taking the time to clear up my misconception about the rules. It makes a lot more sense when you put it that way, and yeah I guess I thought it was a bit of a grey area that wasn't made very apparent to me when I was reading the rules. As I said, this is my first pk, and i've never pk'd anyone else either, so I was bound to be a bit confused about it. I'm happy to have been able to have my suspicions confirmed though, that it is indeed fearrp the second someone points a gun at you. Even if this didn't get overturned for whatever reason, I guess it would be a learning experience that would make me invest more time into understanding the rules, which would be a good thing, if I did continue to play on the server after that. If it does, I won't play on this character until I have cleared up any other misunderstandings I might have about the rules, and I am confident that I understand them as fully as possible. Because knowing this now, after you explaining it, I believe I would be able to handle the situation much more appropriately and maybe avoid it altogether, if I were ever placed in a mugging scenario again. But yeah, thank you again for your time.

RE: PK Appeal - ZOOMER - 04-16-2023

Hello, don't think I'd need to comment much on this.

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact us directly via discord.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.