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Fyre PK Apeal - Printable Version

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Fyre PK Apeal - darkfire - 04-16-2023

Name of Character: Fyre Guardieri


Your Discord ID#:[color=var(--interactive-active)]Darkfire[color=var(--header-secondary)]#1618[/color][/color]

Date of PK:4/15/2023 

Reason for PK: suicide by police gun fire 

Why should you be unPK'd?: I was unaware of the risk factor and have never broken a rule before. I enjoy this server and was hoping to continue with the same character. I promise to never do this again and will read the rules to better familiarize myself more with it.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: No my pc sucks 

RE: Fyre PK Apeal - BoomRoasted - 04-16-2023

You can always do /rules in game or hit f1 and go to help and rules will be listed there as well. As I told you in our sit, anytime you initiate a gun fight with PD and die it will 99% of the time be a PK. You told me you were trying to kill the guy they just arrested, but it was still your decision to put yourself in that place shooting toward police and damaging officers.

RE: Fyre PK Apeal - darkfire - 04-16-2023

I did not know that hence me asking you what was going on and how to get there.
my intent wasnt to harm the officers as i stated in the sit. please understand that i was not informed on the effect that was to come

RE: Fyre PK Apeal - ZOOMER - 04-16-2023

Hello, PK's are technically not an OOC punishment more so an IC one. In your case it was the result of dying after initiated a gunfight with law enforcement personnel. I would highly suggest you take this time to check out the PK guidelines for further details.

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have any further questions or concerns feel free to contact us directly via discord.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.