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Reanu Keeves PK appeal - Printable Version

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Reanu Keeves PK appeal - theironsoldier2 - 04-21-2023

Character name: Reanu Keeves
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:72581524
Discord ID: TheIronSoldier2#1969
Date of PK: 4/21/2023
Reason for PK: Apparently breaking faction rule 3 and being suspected of snitching to police.

Yesterday some members of my faction and I went over to the PD because a certain (now banned) justice wanted to talk in private with one of the other members of my faction, and while we were entering the PD some insane dude ran in the PD parking lot and started beating the shit out of a probie, and since I was one of the only ones standing right by the PD ATM, a detective wanted my clip of it for CCTV purposes to prosecute that dude, and through reasons that are partially my fault and partially beyond my control, faction high command believed I was a snitch. Admittedly I should have been more clear with high command regarding what was going on, but apparently someone in the faction started snitching to the police right around the time I was hired, so I was always going to look somewhat suspicious until the real snitch was found.

RE: Reanu Keeves PK appeal - Agitator - 04-21-2023

Hello I was the staff member taking this pk. 14k claimed you were talking to a detective. And they said you didn't bring it up so they assumed you were snitching on the faction.

RE: Reanu Keeves PK appeal - theironsoldier2 - 04-21-2023

(04-21-2023, 05:17 PM)Agitator Wrote: Hello I was the staff member taking this pk. 14k claimed you were talking to a detective. And they said you didn't bring it up so they assumed you were snitching on the faction.
Admittedly I did forget to mention it, though it should also be noted that right after this happened, we found out that the judge in question that wanted to talk to the other member of my faction decided to say and threaten things against said other member that I am not going to repeat here (ask people about what happened with Justice Joe last night if you want more details on the significance of what happened) which kinda pushed that to the back burner, so honestly I had completely forgotten about the detective thing until I had already logged off for the day yesterday.

RE: Reanu Keeves PK appeal - CaptSkull21 - 04-21-2023

I really don’t have a part in this PK however as a cop (on a diff character) I know this dude has been arrested at least 2 times both for felonies so he has been to pd a few times and after he served his time so from the faction pov he could be a rat cause he keeps getting caught with felonies and could get life and ratting out the faction could be the only way to save him.

RE: Reanu Keeves PK appeal - theironsoldier2 - 04-21-2023

(04-21-2023, 05:34 PM)CaptSkull21 Wrote: I really don’t have a part in this PK however as a cop (on a diff character) I know this dude has been arrested at least 2 times both for felonies so he has been to pd a few times and after he served his time so from the faction pov he could be a rat cause he keeps getting caught with felonies and could get life and ratting out the faction could be the only way to save him.
In both cases, the legal representation I received was from lawyers who were also faction members, so they are aware of everything that went into those, including the contents of plea deals

RE: Reanu Keeves PK appeal - Quartz - 04-21-2023

Hello, I placed the orders and it was also placed on you due to me also hearing from my Vanguard and Deputy Mountain Master that you were disrespectful to them on multiple occasions. Also what I heard about the situation involving the cops was a different story then what you’ve stated.

RE: Reanu Keeves PK appeal - theironsoldier2 - 04-21-2023

(04-21-2023, 06:14 PM)Quartz Wrote: Hello, I placed the orders and it was also placed on you due to me also hearing from my Vanguard and Deputy Mountain Master that you were disrespectful to them on multiple occasions. Also what I heard about the situation involving the cops was a different story then what you’ve stated.
I don't believe I ever was disrespectful to either of them aside from one single instance where a few days after I joined the faction I was driving to a location when my vehicle was hit by another driver, and I was admittedly disrespectful to the driver of that vehicle who I later found out was very high on the ladder, at which point I apologized and changed my behavior. I am still not sure what rank that specific person was aside from knowing that they were high up on the ladder. If I may ask, what was the story you heard regarding the cops? I believe there was a misunderstanding there and I would like to know what it was so I can make sure to avoid those misunderstandings in the future.

Reanu Keeves PK appeal - Irebelle - 04-21-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.