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PK Appeal John Costello - Printable Version

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PK Appeal John Costello - jarbo321 - 04-21-2023

Name of Character: John Costello

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80051082

Your Discord ID#: jarbo#9233

Date of PK: 04/21/2023

Reason for PK: Don's Orders, fomenting coup

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: All of the evidence the don and the high command give for my PK is from direct message conversations over discord between myself and Upir#2000. This Don's Order also gave permission to kill two of my in-character family members also for out-of-character information. The Don could have only known these two people were a part of the coup from out-of-character information between myself and Upir#2000. This is not only a PK appeal for myself but the two others who were pk'd even more unjustly, as there is physically no possible way for them to have any evidence for Tommy Costello and Angelo Costello's characters to be involved in the potential coup. It should also be mentioned the only talk I had with Tommy and Angelo was so cryptic no one could figure it out.
From what I have seen there is no evidence of me talking in character with Upir#2000 about the coup, nor anyone else. 

My reasoning for participating in the coup is the Principato High Command are inactive, and Upir#2000 seemed adamant about wanting to coup the High Command. He is an active mid-command person, I've known him for a long time, so I trusted him to pull it off, and I did not know I was the leader of it. Regardless, I had none of these conversations in character. I've shown most below.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/801274454436610058/1099066280910258246/Screenshot_147.png (This is the Don's Orders)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1095077412645113937/1099074898384650260/image.png (This is the only evidence that Tommy and Angelo were involved in a plot, with limited information.)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097646292836044913/1099081965023526972/image.png (Beginning of the convo with me and Upir#2000 about a potential coup)
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1097646292836044913/1099082281026605087/image.png (Us talking about who would lead after the coup d'etat).

The following is probably the most important conversation. It is where Upir convinces me to do the coup. Once again, I agree I am plotting to overthrow the don. But out of character. 

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - Otto - 04-21-2023

Oke, there are literal clips of you saying that you want to kill HC in-game and in-character. Upir was just playing with you, sarcasm, it was your idea in the start and Upir went with it, I have seen all of the dms. Don't lie yourself out of this one. Also dont you think it is dumb literally going to the Consig of a faction and offering him don of said faction if he supported the coup? If Upir was doing it then Upir would have asked, yet it was you who recruited all of the people for said coup and it was you who spread the message, you who came up with the idea. Also dms are out of character anyways, Like I said before, Upir was just being sarcastic. I can see what you are doing as well, there are lots more screenshots of the convo which I have seen myself, said screenshots have not been posted here. Coincidence? I think not.  Upir was never in on it, it was just testing your loyalty.

Also Tommy Castello does not even have a order on him, he was not killed lol.

Edit: I had a look at all of the messages from Upirs side (He streamed it to me) it was you who came up with the idea lol, trying to frame people. Keep Crying, next time dont be so stupid inviting loyal HC to a coup.

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - Lorenzo - 04-21-2023

i am a monkey after all but it seems like you were the bigger banana muncher

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - TheJeffExplodes - 04-21-2023

You were pked in breaking clear rules of our faction trying to stir up discontent amongst our faction members and for them to support you in a coup none of our HC supported you and all the long members you tought were on ur side weren't ever and have told me every bit of information you ever shared with them and everything you planned to do. RIP bozo

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - Upir - 04-21-2023

first of all, I didn't convince you to do a coup since u join the family and u are talking about killing HC and all capos, everyone in the faction was getting sus about u and I get dm from two guys that u are behaving sus , since the beginning and u want to put joker as don cuz u think he is weak and u will easily control him, I said "i am tired of this faction ngl" and u bring up the idea of a coup by urself which confirm my suspicion about you ----https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1012098756415590523/1099091844215865384/liar.png ===D this you saying u want joker as don "our first conversation"
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1036002328710484030/1096477878184587274/4.png ===D u are confirming my suspicion about wanting Joker as Don puppet.
and I lied about Tuna joining ur side cuz i want to know the people with ur side and you lied and u tell me that Allie Boy and Nico were with u, I tried my best to not get innocent people to get pked and u lied about your ic brothers and u get one of them killed.

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - jarbo321 - 04-21-2023


I asked you for evidence of in-character coup planning and none was given. If there is some, please post it here so we can all move on with our lives and this appeal can be denied.

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - Arth - 04-21-2023

My honest and genuine reaction is; 

I believe that you thought it was the right idea to PK him and understand you were just trying to protect your faction, but the fact that it was only for OOC reasons and you had no proof of anything done IC doesn't make it a valid PK. I mean you can have him removed from the faction for any reason, but you need a genuine IC reason to pk somebody from your faction.

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - ExodusMal - 04-21-2023

Hey bro, if you claim there are clips of him saying so, why don't you make this a whole lot simpler and just send them!

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - Bear - 04-21-2023


is this not proof of using OOC means for pk straight up an admission

RE: PK Appeal John Costello - Voyles - 04-22-2023

I was informed by the person who made the PK ticket that the person who started the last name was mass recruiting and adopting everyone he recruited. I was also saw in the order from your don that the reasons are; "Causing issues inside of the faction, seeding disorder thru out the ranks, talking about a coup and disrespecting leadership. Hostile altercations with other allied factions."