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pk?? - Printable Version

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pk?? - String - 04-24-2023

Name of Character: Antonio Biachi


Your Discord ID#:String#0903

Date of PK: 4/24/2023

Reason for PK: idk 

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

Tbh man i don't even know what I did wrong. I just got unperma banned 2 days ago and i joined the Bonnano crime family. After grinding heroin and such for these 2 days. I got told by mikvik(don) that we had a event to do. I say ok and get ready. 5 mins before map change 2 random people come to me saying you ready for the job, i say yes. We go to motel and they whack me. I dont even know what i did to get pked, ive not broken any rules and respected HC, for the whole time i was there. So idk man, why pk me.
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

I have a clip but i cant get a link for it i can just screen share it through discord. 

RE: pk?? - Marzii - 04-24-2023

I was the Pk'ing Admin, the reason you were pk'd was due to a dons order, I will get the don to respond to further explain the reason on you're pk.

RE: pk?? - String - 04-24-2023

(04-24-2023, 10:03 PM)Marzii Wrote: I was the Pk'ing Admin, the reason you were pk'd was due to a dons order, I will get the don to respond to further explain the reason on you're pk.
bruh what?? i though you couldnt pk on dons orders anymore, it had to be a reason??? he should had gave it to you

RE: pk?? - Michael Mikvik - 04-24-2023

You joined my faction and outright refused orders to run our restaurant and would fail to roleplay your character correctly.

You would use terms such as "nigga" on a common base which for anyone in our factions knows is a direct violation of our Strict Roleplay rules, you were informed of this explicitly when you joined multiple times, I had multiple HC complaining to me upon multiple occasions which caused me to make the ultimate decision I did.

I am sorry it couldn't of gone better, but you forced me to do what I had to do.

RE: pk?? - String - 04-24-2023

(04-24-2023, 10:06 PM)Michael Mikvik Wrote: You joined my faction and outright refused orders to run our restaurant and would fail to roleplay your character correctly.

You would use terms such as "nigga" on a common base which for anyone in our factions knows is a direct violation of our Strict Roleplay rules, you were informed of this explicitly when you joined multiple times, I had multiple HC complaining to me upon multiple occasions which caused me to make the ultimate decision I did.

I am sorry it couldn't of gone better, but you forced me to do what I had to do.
This is your reason for pking me/?, you said no such thing, when have i used nigga in game, only in looc lmao, i never also got told to run your shitty ass dupe resturant, and what did i do to HC i joined 2 days ago the only hc i know is you and kami lmao. shitties reason of all time ong Exclamation

RE: pk?? - Michael Mikvik - 04-24-2023

You logged off in the middle of your PK aswell, and you trying to make this an OOC matter by dming me.

Marzii, the overseeing admin can atest to this.

RE: pk?? - String - 04-24-2023

(04-24-2023, 10:11 PM)Michael Mikvik Wrote: You logged off in the middle of your PK aswell, and you trying to make this an OOC matter by dming me.

Marzii, the overseeing admin can atest to this.
nigga 'logged' off lmao what bro after my pk it was map change lmao, and if dming you wasnt allowed  my bad i have never been pked before but shit nigag

RE: pk?? - Michael Mikvik - 04-24-2023

You switched characters blatantly before the restart while pk active so now you are lying.

On top of this, I will reiterate further that you didn't follow our RP rules.

Literally 20 minutes beforehand you were in the stanza speaking to someone collecting donation money and you responded with "It's a video game nigga"

I understand the rest of the server is not really serious rp but we are and we told you that atleast 20 times. If you can't listen that if on you.

[Image: oA8tVa0OT1aP_JnrQ9Lt3w.png]

[Image: 83C78AF0B0D069D63C1627385104AB8C44A2EBA9.png]

You dming me in the middle of you being PK-Active before restart and switching back off of your black cop character.

RE: pk?? - Rem - 04-24-2023

The argument of switching char or w/e is invalid because player obviously did not know they were PK active. To suspect is one thing, knowing is another.

RE: pk?? - Michael Mikvik - 04-24-2023

(04-24-2023, 10:30 PM)Rem Wrote: The argument of switching char or w/e is invalid because player obviously did not know they were PK active. To suspect is one thing, knowing is another.

The fact he switched his character thinking he was PK active proves he wasn't acting within accordance to your rules. 

This isn't a poor new player we are talking about, he knew what he was getting into and it was made clear to him multiple times, somebody who just got off of a permanent ban would be expected to have higher standards.