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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - dadmost - 04-26-2023

Your Name: Chris Pantalone 

Your SteamID : 0:0:219482335

Your Discord ID#:  [color=var(--text-normal)][color=var(--header-primary)]Most#8655[/color][/color]

Reason for ban: "failed mugging"

Length of ban: 3 days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): dispute

Why should you be unbanned? The Lucy admin was biased towards me, she did not ask for any proof and sided with the guy who was making false allegations that I failed to mug him, as he was just mad that he lost gun. She also did not answer when I called for an admin twice earlier before I got banned. Truly unjust. The admin also sounded sleepy which makes me feel like she just was not in the mood to deal with the situation. Are all admins supposed to just do that?
Sincerely dadmost.
Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

I have the link for the guidelines, I have studied them like I study math

RE: Ban Appeal - pr3ttyls - 04-26-2023

After talking to this guy for about 5minutes before bringing you and making sure that it was against the rules, and thoroughly looking at his clip, I came to the conclusion that you fail mugged him once. 
You told him to put his hands up in attempt to mug him and you shot him straight down. 
After bringing you, I asked why you killed the guy. You went on to say that you was ‘on a mugging spree’ which I also got confirmation from another staff members because you attempted to mug them not even 5minutes after.

In regards to you quite rudely saying that I sounded ‘sleepy’, I have a migraine and was leaving after i took the guys ticket.

RE: Ban Appeal - LucidMangos - 04-27-2023

I had turned up to the sit when I logged into my staff character because I had switched previously in sit room 4. When I switched back I saw there was a sit in progress so I decided to watch and inspected the notes of the person in question of the suspected player. I dont quite remember all the notes if any. I did recognize him from shortly earlier when he was attempting to block people from entering World Corp when they started threatening me with guns I was also told by a guy prior to that, that a blonde guy was mugging people in WC too. I dont know if any of that is helpful as that was all IC. I really cant say much about whether she was biased or not because I didnt get to see the evidence if any from the person who made the ticket. I was in the sit for the tail end of it and it seemed like the suspect was just really pushing for his way.

Ban Appeal - Hue - 04-28-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules