Diverge Networks
i havent played in years i realize now i was stupid back then - Printable Version

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i havent played in years i realize now i was stupid back then - SamTheMan - 04-28-2023

my name was  dimitrious cestario

Your SteamID(76561198170163439

Your Discord ID#:Sam the Man#6109

Reason for ban:    i acted like a inmature retard back in the day

Length of ban:   perma
Reason for appeal (dispute/apology):
i realize now i was extremely retarded and immature back then its been years now and ive had time to reflect on what ive done im wanting to try to see if i can get a unban to show ive changed its been a long time, and i realize i was immature asf back then and i apologize for acting like this 

Why should you be unbanned?
ive had time to reflect on my actions and ive realized how bad i was acting.

RE: i havent played in years i realize now i was stupid back then - Bear - 05-02-2023

If this was really years ago and you still came back to see about getting unbanned, it shows dedication +1

RE: i havent played in years i realize now i was stupid back then - SamTheMan - 05-04-2023

i just want the chance to prove im diffrent now

i havent played in years i realize now i was stupid back then - Hue - 05-06-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules