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Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - J. Kidd #251 - 01-23-2021

Your Name: Maurice Leach

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:1:557948489


Length of ban: 13 days 19 hours

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I was walking by city hall with a music box and a group of 5 men walked by, one turned around and turned my music off, I confronted the individual and asked why he had turned it off but he denied doing it even though I seen him do it, so his friends surround me and as I try to let go of the situation two of the 5 in the back pulled glocks, I pulled my automatic and tried to shoot the people behind but the person infront of me was literally on my face so I couldnt get around him. Literally 2 minutes after the situation took place my power went out due to a struck line across the street. I would have got on earlier to explain the situation however my power was not restored till 1am which it is now. All in all it was self defense and my power did unfortunately go out.

Why should you be unbanned? My power went out, so I was not able to explain my side of the story.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): 

RE: Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - Rem - 01-23-2021

The reason why I didn’t wait 5 hours to give you a sit, was because there was a video. In it it shows nobody pulling a anything out besides you. Also it seems like you were trying to escalate a small situation for a kill. Considering I feel like you lied on this appeal or changing the story to favor your side, you’re also probably lying about the power outage. 

I do apologize for being in that rp space for too long uncloaked, but it was only a faction transfer, and I noticed things were getting heated too so I decided to leave immediately.

RE: Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - J. Kidd #251 - 01-24-2021

The 2 people that walked off to the right (which I described in the appeal) walked over to the right out of the video and drew their firearms. And the power outage was legit considering the fact I made an appeal at 1am... rem u are ban hungry and need to chill.

RE: Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 01-24-2021

(01-24-2021, 03:46 AM)J. Kidd #251 Wrote: The 2 people that walked off to the right (which I described in the appeal) walked over to the right out of the video and drew their firearms. And the power outage was legit considering the fact I made an appeal at 1am... rem u are ban hungry and need to chill.

If two other men walked off and pulled weapons can you elaborate as to why you opened fire on the two who were unarmed and not in the way

RE: Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - J. Kidd #251 - 01-26-2021

I literally said those people were in the way. How am I suppose to shoot them with their boyfriends in my face???? Canadian just get this over with. Honestly typhon at least gave me an actual yes or no, lol.

I also find it that you mofos got it out for me

RE: Maurice Leach Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 01-28-2021

Your past bans, lack of remorse and general attitude speaks wonders. I'll grant you your wish.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules