Diverge Networks
PK Appeal - Printable Version

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PK Appeal - TheDrunkSail - 05-25-2023

Name of Character: Blinky Flintlock 

SteamID: 76561199470773105

Your Discord ID#: Blinky Flintlock#5543

Date of PK: 25/5/2023

Reason for PK: I was banned for 1 day yesterday. My character Sebastian DiCaprio was minging. When I logged back online today BOTH of my characters were banned. Blinky Flintlock (My main character) and Sebastian DiCaprio (My spare slot character)

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I believe Blinky should be unPK'd because I wasn't even playing as him during the time of the PK. I was in fact playing as Sabastian DiCaprio I believe it is unfair that Blinky was banned. To be frank neither of my characters violated any rules.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: There are no evidence of Blinky being PK'd because I wasn't playing as Blinky. I was playing as Sabastian DiCaprio. 

RE: PK Appeal - BoomRoasted - 05-25-2023

Afternoon, I was the one who pk'd both characters. Your Sebastian char was banned because you deleted it previous under char id 99575 and created a new char id 99576 with the same exact name which goes against server rule 11 under the character rules section: You may not remake your character with the same name in order to change your appearance / description to avoid Identification. This is considered Meta/powergame.

Your Blinky char was banned because you were roleplaying as a orphan child under the age of 18 and begging for money there was reports of you using your orphan char to try to pretend to be underage to get out of RP scenarios. Taking your chars description and the reports that were submitted, I deemd this FailRp as well as going against server rule 3 under character rules.

RE: PK Appeal - Irebelle - 05-25-2023


I advised the admins to charban (PK) your characters for the above reasons listed by Boom.

You have two PO's of roleplaying someone who is underage and should know better at this point that it is HEAVILY against server rules. Not only that but you were acting inappropriately as an "underage" character. For example, you went up to someone, sniffed them, and said they smelt nice. Given your PO's you should have received a much harsher punishment but the staff were nice enough to let you stay on the server to roleplay.

Let this be your final warning. If you are caught roleplaying as someone who is under the age of 18, you will be removed from the server indefinitely. We will be watching you closely.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.