Diverge Networks
Lil Bozo ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Lil Bozo ban Appeal - General_bespro - 05-29-2023

Your Name: Lil Bozo

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:1:203581922

Your Discord ID#: Lil Bozo#8882

Reason for ban: Freak

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): (All of this happened within discord, I wasent home when the bans took place so there's no way it can be linked to actions in the Gmod server) I assume the ban was because I told Pendred that banning people for in my opinion, no reason (which he can just ignore or try to disprove it) wasen't gonna help his case. If Pendred felt like I insulted him or tried to defame him or that i was just making baseless accusations or that im simply annoying him, he couldve just told me or just give me a mute, but instead he decided to ban me off 2 discord servers despite no rules being broken and ban me from the gmod server despite no rules being broken. I think Pendred could've just ignored me as he says himself im a nobody, which I'd understand.

Why should you be unbanned? I should be unbanned because I haven't broken any rules regarding the server and the ban was uncalled for in my opinion, all I did was state my opinion and if Pendred had an issue with it he should've came up to me in dms and literally give me 1 sentence about why he thinks I'm wrong instead of just insulting me, calling me a freak and banning me from the Cassano Discord, Diverge Discord and Gmod server. Or again, he can simply ignore me.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): None, i got banned from Cassano and Diverge discords so i couldnt take anything + I wasen't home during the time of Discords and Gmod bans.

RE: Lil Bozo ban Appeal - Pendred - 05-29-2023


Lil Bozo ban Appeal - Pendred - 05-29-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules