Diverge Networks
Flag Appeal - Printable Version

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Flag Appeal - PlainviewOil - 06-11-2023

Your Name: PlainviewOil

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:640887622

Staff Member involved: Rayve

What flags were blacklisted from you?: Prop gun and phys gun

Reason for blacklist (if given): Prop Abuse

Why should they be returned?: I don't have any intention to prop abuse again. The last time I prop abused was cause I didn't read the rules right but I have now and just wanna use props to make a proper base or structure without any prop blocking. I apologise for the trouble I caused and just hope to have fun now. 

RE: Flag Appeal - Rayve - 06-11-2023

Hey!! So basically you went out of your way to throw a tantrum right after your flags were removed and went on a mass RDM spree to my faction which is oocly involved. I would also like to add that you called me so many names after simply calling you out and responding to a ticket that was made towards you prop abusing I was just doing my job as a staff member to make sure that the server rules are respected and followed. so I'd say give it time till you chill out and get to start over your RP, set some roots and do better next time and think about how there will always be a consequences to your actions but it is up to UA to repond to this situation.

You also just got unbanned from your massRDM spree so just give it time for now.

Flag Appeal - Fox - 06-16-2023

Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules