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Lucas Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Lucas Ban Appeal - Lucas - 06-23-2023

Your Name: Lucas

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):  STEAM_0:1:48094111

Your Discord ID#: lucas0138.

Reason for ban: Camping shipment | We warned you

Length of ban: 12h

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute

Why should you be unbanned?  I was walking around little Italy i had just given my friend some money at the Le Grande at which point i walked over towards Little Italy and i see 5 or so people sitting around a shipment now they had chairs and everything spawned around it which i did not take part of i stood on the other side of the fence when i arrived the timer was roughly at 24-34 seconds (i know it ended in a 4) some cops walk bye and i say hello. i the proceed to wait for the shipment now i was not attempting to arrest or mug anyone for it. I saw the shipment by chance. Now i know in the ban it says that i was warned but i was not. staff stated in general in the diverge discord that they warned everyone there when the timer was around 100 seconds. By the time that i arrived they would have been long gone. I knew nothing of any warning and just saw the shipment being low and thought since it was the faction spawnpoint for my own faction i might try and save someone from my faction 6k. I don't have any proof of this seeing as i didn't have my clipping software on and didn't think i would have needed to. In staff logs you might be able to see my running around opening different doors such as napoli and le grande. i had also opened a staff ticket at the time needing a locker opened. Whilst me opening door does not show any innocence in the matter it does show that i had not been there for any long amount of time. And again i wanna make this very clear i did not attempt to mug anyone it was the faction spawnpoint for our racket and i was hoping to save someones money. I think this is more a case of wrong place wrong time. 
Additional Information

I have a picture that i cant post for some reason but its the banning staff member saying they might have gotten it wrong


There is the picture for staff

RE: Lucas Ban Appeal - Nicholas - 06-23-2023

At approximately 8:00 PM I was walking around Napoli and the fenced off area where shipments spawn I saw a crowd of people gathering around a cocaine shipment that had around 300 seconds left. The people gathering (around 4-5 members) had chairs and one was sitting on top of the shipment. I was still on my RP char and I asked the people to stop camping the shipment. I stayed around and watched them to see who would grab it so I could make a note to online staff. Once the shipment had gotten around 100-50 seconds (8:04) Drive Fast a fellow moderator had appeared on his staff char and I told him the situation. He also had asked everyone to move and stop camping the shipment. Once the timer had hit zero everyone was crouched around it and someone had grabbed it. Once I saw this I also switched to my staff char since I wasn't in roleplay, I then quickly referred to the logs and I saw that 8:05 a cocaine shipment was picked up by Lucas Hanover. Once I saw who picked it up I asked Drive Fast how long the ban should be since we did give everyone around the area significant warning before hand. He recommended 12H (hours). I followed through with it and issued the ban.

I was unable to visually confirm if Lucas had ran up or was there due to how many people there was. I would also like to point that Lucas had said in his post that he was there before the timer reached zero. (I believe he said around 30S). There is no outline for shipment theft in the rules. And my interoperation was that for a shipment to be stolen you must stumble upon it by chance and the timer must be at zero. I hope to see an update to the rules that better specify what is camping and what is not.

Lucas Ban Appeal - BoomRoasted - 06-23-2023

The 'camping' rule applies in two stipulations
-Cops cant camp shipments to arrest someone for picking one up

2.Muggers, though the limitation is less
Determined by maliciousness, waiting for a shipment to expire is fine as long as they dont just mug the guy if he comes before the timer ends.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and accepted.

The ban will be lifted from your account shortly.