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Sammy Natale PK Appeal - Printable Version

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Sammy Natale PK Appeal - super_pini_bros - 07-17-2023

Name of Character: Sammy Natale
SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/super_pini_bros/
Your Discord ID: Cooked Dracula#8773
Date of PK: 7/15/2023
Reason for PK: Unknown, suspected coup.
Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:
PK Baiting.  Inner-Family issues (If they're in your family, they must have done something to directly harm the family, yourself, or another member of the family. Ex. Harm in a physical, or financial way.  There has to be tangible damages. You can not PK over hurt pride or a bruised ego.  Coup in order to power grab, no real reason behind it.

Let's start from the beginning.

I was brought on to the Morello's as a lieutenant, about a year ago at this point.
The faction was dead upon my arrival.
I was promoted to Capo shortly after, and brought life back into the faction.
After a couple months of that, I was getting set up to take over the family.
The day I was supposed to assume control, we had an admin-planted regime change.
The standing HC all got banned (besides me), and the new guy was put in charge.
That did not last long.

We had a bunch of guys leave without permission to another faction, so we had to "take care" of like 5 made guys. Which only hurt our numbers more.
After that, the standing HC "retired", and yet another admin-planted regime was put in place.

That ALSO didn't last long, where I was finally promoted to Don of The Morello's.
I had half a million to my name, and there was no family funds to speak of (or if there were, the other regimes had lost track of it all.  Assuming there even was any.)
I sold the diner to another faction, and was planning on using that money to help pay taxes, recruit, and arm the family (legally, of course).

I made Tobins my underboss because he got passed up for promotion with another faction.  From what I had seen, he was a good player, and knew how to get things done.
I was starting a new job in the real world, and made it very clear to everyone that my availability would be limited (2nd shift - Weekends Included).

Tobins brought in some other guys, and they started to recruit and reform the crews, which I was happy about.
He showed that he could take care of property and business taxes, and go through the correct channels to make sure everything was ok.

Tobins had a conflict with The Cartel, who were renting a room from The Napoli, which we were managing.
He had very little proof of the incident.  After a sit down with The Cartel leader, Shook, (which Tobins refused to attend) I had decided to let them off with a warning.
Their lease was up that day anyway, so as long as we weren't going to war over 2 associates being accused of breaking and entering, with minimal proof (screenshots of players with no f3, zero clips of them attempting break in, no PK for breaking in, no logs, even damage logs), both parties were satisfied.

Shook had informed me of some bad blood between The Cartel and Tobins, which was entirely OOC.
They said they didn't want to deal with him, and I ensured I would take care of any Cartel business personally, to avoid any further conflict.
I also told Tobins, that he may not like them OOC, but because his character and theirs had never even met each other, to let it go and not let if effect the family.
Tobins had also gone over my head on a few things, not following the chain of command.  But he was getting results so I didn't really mind.

Aside from this incident, he was doing very well.  I was planning on handing him the faction as soon as this week, because of my limited availability.
He had acquired the Pawn Shop as a second business, and at that point I was ready to hand it over to him, and retire.

Then on the 15th, I got a message on Discord from Bootlegdruid778.  Requesting that I attend a meeting set up.
I had just gotten home from work, and said I would be in the city promptly.
I figured this was the perfect opportunity to discuss what was on their minds, promote and congratulate Tobins on the good work, then retire. 
I waited on the 12th floor of World Corp, where I was shot and killed from the elevator.  Instantly PKd.

There was no meeting, I was lured online for a PK.  Which as far as I'm aware, would be considered Metagaming and against the rules.
After the PK, I was kicked from the faction discord, commission discord, and faction leader channels of the main server discord.

I would have liked to keep the character, I had put a lot of work into him, and made a lot of good friends on the server.
Seeing as I was going to hand him the family that very day, a coup seems extremely inappropriate.
And the only reasons why I could see a coup being justified would be due to my real life job making me less available, which everyone knew about.
OR (and this is probably the real reason), because Tobins has bad blood with The Cartel OOC, and didn't like that I had let them off despite his proof only being a cropped screenshot of a guy in Napoli (no room numbers in sight), and a guy standing out of the street.

Attached are screenshots of the DMs used to lure me online for the PK.  Bootlegdruid778 even went as far as to DELETE all his messages sent to me.  Almost if he knew it wasn't the right way to do things.
I don't care about the position of power, or the politics behind the coup.  I'd just like the keep the character, because all-in-all, I did nothing but good for The Morellos.
I build that family up nearly single handedly THREE separate times before becoming Don.  And as mentioned before, was going to retire and hand it over to Tobins anyways.
If there is more behind the scenes information that I'm not aware of, I'd love to be let in on the loop as to why.  Because this just seems like a power-grab by my Underboss.

Thank you for reviewing,
-Cooked Dracula

RE: Sammy Natale PK Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 07-17-2023


90% of the things you write here aren't relevant to the PK at all. A coup by definition is a power grab so saying it's not valid because it's "a power grab" is irrelevant, people in the mob are betrayed, this happens, you got snaked by them.

As for your metagame claim here are two rules listed in the Discord Guidelines thread:

"No Faction Meetings are permitted in Discord. It must be in game. (Though coordinating to meet up at locations and times may be done over discord. EX: 'Meeting at 7pm at docks' and nothing else.)"

" DMs are only used for scheduling meetings, so use common sense. You cannot make deals, contracts, or perform any type of services, activity in DMs are generally used to schedule meetings."

There was no luring online, scheduling meetings via DMs is permitted.

The only metagame in your screenshot is you and bootleg communicating about waiting since there is a cop in the 12th floor. THAT is metagaming and we'll address it appropriately, but it does not invalidate the coup. A majority HC support was reached (regardless of any OOC loas or anything) and they performed it.

Sammy Natale PK Appeal - Pendred - 07-17-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.