Diverge Networks
I have no clue what I did wrong - Printable Version

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I have no clue what I did wrong - Gulliksen - 07-21-2023

Your Name:Gulliksen

Your SteamID:STEAM_0:0:107020375

Your Discord ID#:Gulliksen

Reason for ban: Fail Mugging | LTAP | POx1

Length of ban: 3 Days 2 Days left

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Dispute/Apology

Why should you be unbanned? I have no clue what I did wrong I was never pulled into a sit or anything so I did not leave to avoid any punishment, What I assume I did wrong was when I tried to mug somebody and he killed me. When I respawned I think I walked around for bit before I was bored and left. I never tough I did anything wrong please unban or if not atleast explain what I did wrong.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): No

RE: I have no clue what I did wrong - Rem - 07-25-2023
