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Hoster's pk appeal - Printable Version

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Hoster's pk appeal - CaptSkull21 - 07-22-2023

Name of Character: Hakon “The Høster” Grimsrud

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27926209

Your Discord ID#: .askull

Date of PK:7/20/23

Reason for PK: Shooting a cop

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated? So, the past like 10 minutes before the clip of me shooting the cop me and the cop had been messing around. There wasn’t really even RP in it and we weren’t even RP we both were doing stuff that you wouldn’t do IRL. We were messing around joking with each other for the past 10 minutes he had also been aiming a gun at me many times like 3 times before hand. There was no real RP in my PK and no RP reason for him to aim his gun at me all those times. In my clip he says the words, “He’s getting PKed faster than I cum” near the end of the clip he says it out loud and .toastedbread. (Is his discord) heard him say the words PK out loud Theo Trimmed the clip to get me PKed, according to Toasted. Theo the cop who PKed me doesn’t want me to be PKed with screenshot below dukcot is his discord name you can see in the NYPD discord that his name is T. Jobson his cop’s name.  and according to the rules ■ You may not bait someone into a PK. This means that starting a confrontation in order to escalate it then use that as a reason to PK someone, this is not permitted. So, in a way the officer did PK bait because there was no RP in it, he wasn’t trying to detain me or arrest me. The Officer also said the words PK. The whole thing was OOC as we were messing around. The officer who PKed me wants to unPK me also so I don’t see why the PK would stick other than then the fact I did shoot at him but it wasn’t in RP or anything we were just messing around it was late at night.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1krsyzHrg4qNQw/d1337nHUi1uM?invite=cr-MSw2UjAsNzkyNzY2ODYs

RE: Hoster's pk appeal - Rem - 07-22-2023

It isn't PK bait as he warned you? You're always in RP so it's your fault. And you broke NLR, so him saying the PK statement is irrelevant.

RE: Hoster's pk appeal - CaptSkull21 - 07-22-2023

(07-22-2023, 05:26 PM)Rem Wrote: It isn't PK bait as he warned you? You're always in RP so it's your fault. And you broke NLR, so him saying the PK statement is irrelevant.
Understandable but the cop doesn’t want me pked so can that make my appeal accepted? I just want to be unPKed and I won’t mess with cops friend or not.

RE: Hoster's pk appeal - Ducko - 07-22-2023

Im the cop in this situation, we've talked about it and come to an agreement, he doesnt try to kill me anymore or kill me anymore and I help him get un-pk'd, hes a friend of mine so i really accept his apology but I cant do much myself, just hoping you guys are able to understand that we are good now.

RE: Hoster's pk appeal - jordan_ - 07-24-2023

+1 I saw all the clips, it was a silly situation, cop wasn't giving warnings and was just escalating the FRP situation to RDM. All around a funny situation, not funny it went to a PK.

RE: Hoster's pk appeal - TheNamesKoh - 07-24-2023

-1 Clear PK, doesn't matter if the "PKer" wants to retract it once it's already through, you're already dead

RE: Hoster's pk appeal - Toast - 07-25-2023

Should have the PK removed imo. Yes he was fucking around with a cop, but they were both fucking around and Theo didn't show Schmeeze the part where he said "I'm gonna pk him quicker than I can cum" which would have invalidated the PK. +1.

Hoster's pk appeal - Monaclu - 07-25-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.