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Pk Appeal - Printable Version

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Pk Appeal - Zenjo - 07-22-2023

Name of Character: Amari Scalise

SteamID: STEAM_1:1:100364309

Your Discord ID#: Blade0490

Date of PK: 7/22/23

Reason for PK: I believe it was a don ordered hit

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I was AFK during the time of the pk and I dont know how to prove i was AFK besides the guy that was next to me i told BRB but i came back to my screen and it said Death.  

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: This isnt fair if i cant rob someone while they are afk then why could someone pk me while i have no control over RP the admin observing the pk should have seen i was afk and told guy to wait for me to come back and witnessed me in rp to have pkd me. This isnt cool to come back to a Black screen after doing some important registration paperwork cause i just moved. I understand my life problems isnt yalls but if this was yalls character you spent the last 2 days grinding your ass off for you would be fighting too. I have no one to back me up so please help me out.

RE: Pk Appeal - DaSchmeeze - 07-23-2023


I was the admin overseeing the PK. There are no rules that say you cannot be PK'd for being AFK. There was a Don's Order hit out on you for breaking faction rules. You went AFK mid interaction and didn't come back for about 10 minutes. That's when you were killed. This doesn't invalidate the PK, especially since there was the concern you would get timed out and the hit wouldn't be able to be done.

RE: Pk Appeal - Monaclu - 07-25-2023

PKing someone who is AFK is not against the rules. There's never been a rule against that, and there never will.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.