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Biggy D's Character Appeal - Printable Version

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Biggy D's Character Appeal - Biggy D - 07-31-2023

Name of Character: Arthur Johnson

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:454552253

Your Discord ID#: Dallas#4377

Date of PK: 7/30/23

Reason for PK: Apparently Mugging people ( false )

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: Show me proof of me mugging someone, I never did. I have no intention on mugging they must had thought I was a mugger because of the bandana I wear, but that is for cosmetics only. Please UnPK it was a simple mistake I dont want the person who PK'ed me in any trouble I just want my car back. 
If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: I just have sessions of gmod if you want to sit through 6 hour sessions, and the clip of him killing me out of nowhere.

RE: Biggy D's Character Appeal - Moses - 07-31-2023

You were PKed under the pretense that a member of your faction's leadership ordered it for mugging people. Considering how internal PKs are dealt with, I did not demand proof immediately - Though they did say that they have proof of the faction's rules being broken. I do not have much to say, other than the fact that I believe it should be reverted if no evidence is available since the perpetrator said there was indeed proof.

RE: Biggy D's Character Appeal - Biggy D - 07-31-2023

(07-31-2023, 06:33 AM)Moses Wrote: You were PKed under the pretense that a member of your faction's leadership ordered it for mugging people. Considering how internal PKs are dealt with, I did not demand proof immediately - Though they did say that they have proof of the faction's rules being broken. I do not have much to say, other than the fact that I believe it should be reverted if no evidence is available since the perpetrator said there was indeed proof.
Well then the perpetrator clearly lied to you, if there is proof please show me at my Discord. I would like to see this video of me mugging people.  Please Send it in!

RE: Biggy D's Character Appeal - Irebelle - 08-02-2023

Even if you are not guilty of the action you may be PK'd by your Don for any reason. You were aware of this risk when you joined the family. Botched hits used to happen all the time in the mafia.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.