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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - cheseberg - 08-05-2023

Your Name: Maurice Pemberton

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_0:0:155846247

Your Discord ID#: Cheseberg

Reason for ban: RDM + Extensive Admin Record

Length of ban: TWO WEEKS!!!

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): Listen, My buddy told me y'all thought I was fake AFKing. I literally have a valid clip of the entire situation. I did not fake AFK, nor did I RDM. The cop was arresting my friend right next to me and he was yelling out loud saying for someone to kill the cop so I did, was totally within RP, no RDM at all I will post the clip.

Why should you be unbanned? I am a very serious player on this server I play almost everyday. I had spoken to Pistol P about a situation beforehand and he had told me to lay low and not fuck around and I was going to, I was put into a very unfortunate situation, but nothing I did was bannable, I will post the clip below.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1nh8QAg8OBLc7L/4aKivDEVjkap?invite=cr-MSxzbUwsMTg5NjQ1ODAyLA

-Another note, I clearly said I had to shit in the clip before the situation, so as soon as I popped that cop I went in a safe place to AFK and take a shit

RE: Ban Appeal - Andrewest398 - 08-06-2023


RE: Ban Appeal - Pistol P - 08-08-2023

Pistol P, here.

First off... I pulled you into a sit after someone reported you for RDM'ing them. I checked your notes and saw you had a really extensive record and several previous tickets/warns for RDM'ing. To be completely honest, I was supposed to ban you the first sit we had but I actually didn't... I was generous and gave you a verbal warning letting you off with a ticket and allowed you to continue playing on the server. I told you to chill out and to not get into any sort of trouble. Not even three minutes after this, you get reported yet once again for RDM. This time you killed a Cop for your friend for $70... keep in mind your friend wasn't even gonna get booked on a felony charge, you shooting him was a poor decision... this wasn't your first, second or third time RDM'ing either so I issued out a ban I felt is fair.

Ban Appeal - Agitator - 08-08-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules