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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - Loren - 08-06-2023

Your Name: Marco "The Banker" Castellano

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve): STEAM_1:1:473452633

Your Discord ID#: marcxo.

Reason for ban: Ltarping, 8x PO

Length of ban: 2 weeks

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): After taking a while to think out my situation and finish arguing with the moderator I did realize I was in the wrong and I shouldn't had broken the rule and I should've just participated in the roleplay rather than breaking a rule and getting banned for 2 weeks over it when I'd be missing out on multiple faction events of my own and hanging out with close friends in the community I've known for a long time so I would like to also apologize on my end.

Why should you be unbanned?: I do sincerely apologize for my offenses and the fact I broke a rule that I shouldn't have and I know that the chances of me not even being unbanned are very high  but I'd be grateful for atleast a reduction in my ban time and heres why. Although the Ltarping part is accurate and true I feel like the 8X prior offenses were not as these were over 3 months ago, Some were even in late 2022 and there was only 1 recent PO that was over a month ago as well mind you. People change and thats what I did. All I did was make a mistake and relapse into my former ways a little bit but I'm attempting to atleast be a better roleplay and not break rules. And the Ltarping, me refusing to participate in a robbery and not comply with it is all on me as well. I take complete accountability for the mistakes done on my side and I apologize, I rest my case and thats all I have to say for now.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Ban Appeal - Seansx - 08-07-2023

I chose to ban you for two weeks due to your previous offense of getting a 7 day ban less then 3 months ago for the same thing. Unfortunately, with how many times you have done this and been warned and banned for it it seems you haven't learned your lesson. Your action of leaving during a mugging resulted in two characters, who were risking their lives, not experience any rp, nor get any rewards for the risk they chose to take.

In the future, rather then getting a ban for multiple weeks you can in turn, spend a day grinding back the items you lost from the mugging and then continue to enjoy the server.

Ban Appeal - Agitator - 08-08-2023

You have still have not learned from your past warns for that reason the ban length will stay.
Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules