Diverge Networks
Character Unban Request or Character Appeal - Printable Version

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Character Unban Request or Character Appeal - srp1739 - 08-07-2023

Name of Character: Kragler Fobler

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:781149777

Your Discord ID#: to_o_r_e_al

Date of PK: 8/6/2023

Reason for PK: So I radioed thats why i were able to get pked even though i was complying

Why should you be unPK'd?  Because the people that tried to mug me were citizens and my friend convinced me to mug someone so we did but we were citizens because of that the pk didnt go through admin said we gotta be in a faction or something so i deserve a unpk
What server rule or PK rule was violated?: pretty sure something was violated because i got pked and the other dude i told about didnt. but ik the admin said citizens basically have nothing to lose so a pk from them wouldnt count so i would want a unpk for kragler Fobler 

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:  

RE: Character Unban Request or Character Appeal - Aquilla - 08-07-2023

What the fuck are you trying to say? You broke fear RP during a mugging bozo. I don't know what this neanderthal albanian troglodyte language you're trying to use is but next time try English for an appeal.

RE: Character Unban Request or Character Appeal - Drive Fast - 08-07-2023

Good Morning,
I was the pking admin for your character. You were pk'd during a mugging attempt as you attempted to radio in for help. This is seen as non-compliance. Doing so, essentially makes you pk active, so when you were shot and killed by the muggers, I deemed it as a valid Pk. In the future, regardless of the outcome of the appeal. I would advise you to read up on server rules, specifically the ones about pk guidelines, so that this does not happen to you again.

Character Unban Request or Character Appeal - Monaclu - 08-07-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.