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PK appeal - Printable Version

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PK appeal - Kabu - 08-20-2023

Name of Character: Kabu Kowalski

SteamID: 76561199000155694

Your Discord ID#: itskabu

Date of PK: 8/20/2023

Reason for PK: Mug/Fail Rp

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:

I am a higher up in the polish and I've put weeks and maybe even months worth of time into this character. I logged in after my PC had died and I was pk'd after some detective work and a support ticket I had been pk'd due to fail rp. I was in imperial after leaving and some guy came up and tried to mug me and upon asking It appears I hit my alt key and unintentionally pulled out a shotgun which resulted in me being blasted at the time i chalked it down to a minge just being a minge anx continued about my buisness kept playing for a while never pulled to a sit warned or given any sort of prompt that i had dome something wrong then suddenly in the middle of a buisness appointment about my record label my pc dies after I had been playing for a GOOD chunk of time following the incidentent that costed me my life so  plug it in and load up no problem then when i click kabu my main be bas been banned no warning no heads up no nothing. I wouldn't have ever found out why I was even pk'd if I didn't do some digging. In additions Mr kowalski had big plans for the city he was the owner of GMS Southside Record Label and radio station and things were finally just starting to take shape he was in the process of signing 2 new radio show hosts at the time of his passing. He aspired to spread entertainment throughout the city of New York doing live shows hosting radio shows and possibly even moving towards and creating a film industry in the city. The possiblities with Kash kowalski were endless, he was a Goodman who tried to be friend everyone he could and make new York a better and more booming city in anyway he could. It is for these reasons I feel I should have a second chance at life. If I broke a rule I get that but at least warn a guy, inform him of what's coming, or at least punish me right after the incident and not so long after I have to stop thinking of what I could have done wrong and dig. Kash was a man who loved and was loved and had more to prove to himself and those around him and  As always I love the diverge community and all it's staff and mods thank you for listening and I beg for your reconsideration Thank you.

RE: PK appeal - Agitator - 08-23-2023

Hi I was the staff that banned your char I was sent a vid of a guy pulling a gun on you and saying this is a mugging and you decided to pull you're gun out even if this was an accident from my perspective it wasn't. I do apologize for you not being there when I banned your char I don't really have control over when the other party makes a ticket.
I wish you the best of luck with you're char being unbanned.

RE: PK appeal - Kabu - 08-23-2023

Yea I seen the clip too I did pull out a shotgun without meaning too which I can agree from ypur perspective doesn't seem as such after that everything started making a lil more sense lol thanks for the wishes of good luck.

RE: PK appeal - Lemuro - 08-23-2023

Hi, I'm the person that PK'd you.
I pulled a gun on you and said "This is a mug, do not move." twice. Not only did you "accidentally" pull out your gun but you also started moving backwards, which subtly indicated that you were going to shoot me, but you also moved right after I tell you not to. I have more than enough right to shoot and kill you.
Nothing personal.

RE: PK appeal - Kabu - 08-23-2023

(08-23-2023, 01:31 PM)Lemuro Wrote: Hi, I'm the person that PK'd you.
I pulled a gun on you and said "This is a mug, do not move." twice. Not only did you "accidentally" pull out your gun but you also started moving backwards, which subtly indicated that you were going to shoot me, but you also moved right after I tell you not to. I have more than enough right to shoot and kill you.
Nothing personal.
Yea you do make a valid point. I backed up towards my door because my guys were right behind it, and I was hoping they'd hear. as for the gun yes it was an accident, but you are correct you did have the right to shoot for me pulling a gun accident or not. I'm not taking it personal. Only reason I even really cared that I got pk'd was because I had big things on the way, but you are completely correct and in the moment it all seemed like it happened so quick but upon watching you are not in the wrong especially in a situation where if that gun pull was purposeful and I shot you would have been Pk'd granted I wouldn't have made a ticket because I didn't know that's how it worked under fear RP until I refreshed myself on the mugging rules following the incident. (For context on how I miss pressed I went to push x with my thumb to use mic but the very bottom of my thumb closest to my knuckle just barely pushed my alt button down which is what I have binded to pull out my gun)

PK appeal - BoomRoasted - 08-26-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.
For reasons listed by Agitator above.
We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.