Diverge Networks
I am truly sorry - Printable Version

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I am truly sorry - Amirka2009 - 08-21-2023

Your Name: Amir

Your SteamID (Click to retrieve):STEAM_1:0:597487766

Your Discord ID#: Ak48#0513

Reason for ban: Mass RDM at the police station

Length of ban: 3 Days

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): I feel that a 3 day ban is uncalled for shooting people that didnt lose anything

Why should you be unbanned? After the ban i sat on my computer and thought let me play a different game, then i realized that the only good game i had was gmod. i am a fan of mafia always watch movie on it too. after only 2 hours i realized how badly i wanted to play. I feel like i should get another chance to play a server that i truly adore. I am a donated member and love the server. i fell like a unban is really grateful for you to do. I promise that nothing like this will happen from me agian. i want to move on from this at ask to be unbanned from the server and resume my role-play experience. Thank you for reading my ban appeal and please do unban me.


RE: I am truly sorry - anzati1 - 08-21-2023

you're lucky it wasnt a perma tbh, ive been banned for longer for less.

RE: I am truly sorry - Aquilla - 08-21-2023

Honestly, 3 days was more than fair. When you come back to a server make sure to inform yourself on the rules. Seeing as it was your first offense and no one was necessarily harmed outside of PD having to grab staff to re-do plea deals 3 days is way better than the week-month that would've been given under other circumstances. Just take a break from Gmod and come back in 3 days.

RE: I am truly sorry - Rem - 08-21-2023

The appeal itself is wild and I'm surprised as to why it is only 3 days. If you fail to see why this is a problem and "people lost nothing" is your only excuse, then I don't know what to tell you.

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules