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Joe "The General" Bidoni RIP - Printable Version

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Joe "The General" Bidoni RIP - yousetoffmytrap - 08-26-2023

Name of Character:Joe "The General" Bidoni


Your Discord ID#:yousetoffmytrap

Date of PK:8/25/23

Reason for PK:Shootout with police

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?:I was chilling with leslie and this woman (i forgot her name) and one of my faction members walked up to us in the alley near the weed npc (I didn't even see him tbh) he started to get shot at by two cops that were following him I wasn't really paying attention and just heard shots saw people in black with guns I already had my gun out and panicked just started shooting back I get killed we all got killed and I look at the bottom right of my screen and see Fu Ping was talking and that's when I realized I that I was fighting with the cops. This is my bad I should have definitely paid more attention to my surroundings but honestly, I would have never shot back if I knew/realized they were cops I would have surrendered instantly I had nowhere to run. 
If possible, please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Video from Leslies perspective he was also killed in the situation (I am the man in the hard hat) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1qNQABVKXRY0Gk/d1337XtYmXRB?invite=cr-MSx6MUcsMTY1Mjc2NTEs

RE: Joe "The General" Bidoni RIP - NikoLovesDiverge - 08-26-2023

You cant even see they are cops, it’s looks like two dudes just ran up with guns. They didn’t announce they were police and gave no warning to anyone. The detectives should be punished for this even if these guys do get pk’d because of the way they handled this situation.

Joe "The General" Bidoni RIP - BoomRoasted - 08-26-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.