Diverge Networks
Character Appeals - Printable Version

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Character Appeals - cow - 08-29-2023

Name of Character: Mario "Milk" Creek

SteamID: 1079937530

Your Discord ID#: .cow7481

Date of PK: 28/08/2023

Reason for PK: I was rdmed

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I should be unpk'd because i was standing around the city hall by ATM literally not doing a single thing and i was just shot and pked. I made a new character went back the scene and a cop told me someone was just killing people and they had blue barriers boxed around a body. This is super unfair, this should be appealed as soon as possible. The amount of time ive spent on this server just for it to all go away because people cant follow server rules is super unfair. So please help me out i didnt deserve this at all and i hope u guys understand.  Huh Angry

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: i dont have any evidence iam srry 

RE: Character Appeals - DurMattt - 08-29-2023

why were you pk active though?

RE: Character Appeals - James - 08-29-2023

That isn't what happened or how PKs work, you were set PK active due to a dons order from your faction leader due to you on multiple occasions talking openly about drugs and the faction which is against the family's rules. they themselves sent a sniper onto a roof to spot you out then shoot you and he did that and only killed you, there was no RDM against you or anyone else at that time.

RE: Character Appeals - ZOOMER - 08-29-2023

Hello, I'm assuming you're new and are unaware of how PKs are typically conducted. I would highly suggest you check out the PK Guidelines page in the forums for context. Other than that, this seems to be a relatively straightforward PK.

Thank you for taking the time to create an appeal. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to contact us directly via discord.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.