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Smo'Caine PK Appeal - Printable Version

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Smo'Caine PK Appeal - 2TacosPlease - 09-16-2023

Name of Character: Smo'Caine Gram Rerock

SteamID: 76561199215046701

Your Discord ID#: 2tacosplease

Date of PK: 2023-09-16

Reason for PK: Pulling a gun on a a cop, and not firing

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: I attempted to bring this up in the the sit, I do have a great amount of difficulty focusing and constantly spam the middle mouse button button up and down, i accidentaly left clicked my mouse and pulled out the firearm, If the PK'ing party would be so kind as to add the clip they used in the sit it would be audibly and visually clear that I swore due to accidentally pulling my gun during a police RP interaction. I am hoping that the clip is posted by the PK'ing party seeing as how i did not clip the incident, I did not want to use my storage space on a clearly visible mistake.

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines:

RE: Smo'Caine PK Appeal - Aquilla - 09-16-2023


RE: Smo'Caine PK Appeal - 2TacosPlease - 09-16-2023

Upon further re-reading of the global PK rules, there was quite clearly no initiation of a violent encounter with PD forces. Even if misclicks are entirely voided I did not intentionally instigate, nor reciprocate any violence started by/in response to the PD.

RE: Smo'Caine PK Appeal - Viva - 09-16-2023

Cop PK's are getting a bit too crazy lately. I feel like aslong as u weren't pointing a gun at cops or shooting at anyone. Seems like total bullshit how many PK's happen like this and i don't think you should have been PKED.

RE: Smo'Caine PK Appeal - Aquilla - 09-16-2023

Context is everything. You were all wearing the same outfits and had previously gotten into a shootout for similar reasons with your friends. Anyone can claim anything is a misclick once they're dead.

RE: Smo'Caine PK Appeal - James - 09-16-2023

Pulling a gun on a cop while they are arresting your friend is clear initiation of a violent confrontation, so the pk is valid

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.