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The Worst Passenger Ever - Printable Version

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The Worst Passenger Ever - MrPola - 09-22-2023

Name of Character: Brigsby Belfort

SteamID: 76561199043965206

Your Discord ID#: MrPola

Date of PK: 9/21/2023 

Reason for PK: Honestly I don't know

Why should you be unPK'd? What server rule or PK rule was violated?: To give some context, the guy who killed me, jumps into my van asked me for a ride to port warehouse. I drive him there as I had a delivery there anyways. He thanks me, I tell him to have a nice day and he shoots me in the head. No warning, no talk, no questions just straight to killing me. Worst passenger ever 1 star

If possible please provide video evidence or photo evidence if PK does not follow the guidelines: Unfortunatley I forgot to clip it so there isn't any.

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - Cordelier - 09-22-2023

You were PK'd on the orders of the don of the Colombo faction.

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - TotallyNotADuck - 09-22-2023

You were PK'ed because your character had missed a kick-up, meaning you owed us money, and left the family without saying anything or talking to a higher up. Someone was sent out to find you and they did.

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - MrPola - 09-22-2023

(09-22-2023, 02:01 AM)TotallyNotADuck Wrote: You were PK'ed because your character had missed a kick-up, meaning you owed us money, and left the family without saying anything or talking to a higher up. Someone was sent out to find you and they did.
I didn't owe them anything, it was my first week and I opted out, however thanks for the copy and pasted message Big Grin

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - TotallyNotADuck - 09-22-2023

You were both killed for the same reasons. So yes, I copy and pasted the same message. The kick-ups weren't the big issue. Your biggest issue was leaving the faction without saying anything to anyone which merited the death of your char. Both you and Clayton were un-whitelisted without saying anything to any manager or any worker for that matter. You need permission to leave. Even if you paid kick-ups. It wouldn't have mattered if at the end you left without permission. and you're welcome!

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - Rem - 09-22-2023

What rank was Brigsby

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - CharlesSKS - 09-22-2023

As said in the other appeal. He was an associate, all of which are told the ins and outs of how to make money legally and illegally, becoming notified of the vendors and how to trade/process. They are all given weekly dues, at which they both did not pay on time and decided to ghost their crew heads.

RE: The Worst Passenger Ever - Rem - 09-23-2023

Read popup when transferred into faction.

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.