Diverge Networks
Unban Appeal - Printable Version

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Unban Appeal - WelshBishop - 10-21-2023

Your Character or Steam Name: Dr. Coomer

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:193591710


Your Discord ID: WelshBishop#8990

Reason for ban: Unapproved Discord.

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal Dispute and Apology:

I wish to be unbanned as no one had explained nor told me i had to get a pre-approved discord for my company in game, No one had told me this so i was unaware and do feel Genuinely sad. If i'm unbanned ill work with staff to make a approved discord for the company on the server and take sole blame for the incident.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

RE: Unban Appeal - Ragnar - 10-21-2023

+1 I was also banned in this. This is stupid in my honest opinion

RE: Unban Appeal - James - 10-21-2023


"Legal businesses (Law Firms, clothing stores, etc) may register themselves with the Commerce Commission/Unified Court System and, upon doing so, will receive a channel through which they may conduct business. No forms of legal organizational discords are permitted."
It was a discord made for your legal business which you said to me when I asked about it

This discord/business was also just an offshoot of the weird CIA discord you lot had and from what we saw of watching you talk about it in-game confirmed it. So if this was your first time doing it you wouldn't have been banned but it wasn't.

RE: Unban Appeal - Pendred - 10-22-2023

This is the second time in the past few weeks alone that I've been made aware of your braindead CIA stuff, the first time resulted in you being PK'd, and now you're once again you're trying to do it.

It's cringe, and not authorised whatsoever. But you don't seem to learn. I will reduce the ban to 2 weeks from the original date. If it happens again, it's being reinstated with no appeal. Cease.