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massive suggestion - Printable Version

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massive suggestion - Baselsamarah8484 - 10-26-2023

Hello to the (important) people reading this, I understand that this suggestion would (almost) change the server in a multitude of ways, some possibly very good and possibly very bad; and now probably not even possible? I have no idea how most of the things in the server operate and/or background stuff. 

Throughout the 8(ish) months of 14K getting accepted and operating as a faction in the server, I've notice a few things. Of course everything said here is through my perspective and my opinion; however I can say I've learnt lots of information within the short time of being here, and I very much understand that multiple people have been here from the beginning and are still here. With that being said, I'd like to start with a fact. 

Throughout the Animal Kingdom, among multiple species, The mother would typically ignore the weaker baby, perhaps even killing it; to ensure the strength of it's siblings. 

Not trying to talk bad about any faction at all, as they are all unique in their own way and face heaps of challenges (externally and internally). Every single faction typically goes on a repetitive cycle of activity. Of course things like -
- Strong drug rackets
- Gun rackets
- Prime Properties 
Play a massive part in a factions success, however the most important thing is having active/likeable Command members that are good Leaders. You could just have Meth, and just a Townhouse- but activity could be booming. Typically when HC gets inactive, so does the faction. You can't really blame anyone, whether it's wrong choices, bad RP, inactivity or boredom; Factions will always skyrocket with activity, then after some time lose it all. The good factions are able to just climb back up with activity again and keep that cycle going. Unfortunately some don't. Throughout the 8 months or so of 14K being accepted, I've seen Colombo's or Gambino's or Bonnanos etc.(same with 14K) boost with activity at certain times(of the day, week, month etc) and others have literally 0 members on... That doesn't make them a bad faction(as a whole) at all, Time and patience is the whole name of the game.

After all that waffling^ here's the actual suggestion. IMO there's many factions that aren't involved in politics, directly involved with conflicts or just lack of information to actually do anything. Not saying those factions are useless, but again, uninvolved. I feel like factions should have some sort of control/power, because in reality factions actually fear other factions. IRL There's never a point in time where you'd just brush war/conflict/tension with another faction because chances are; you'd take some actual damage. How should factions be limited? By making a distinction between a faction and a crew. The introduction of crews (subfactions) would limit how much power groups can actually have. What's the point of a crew if you can be in a faction? Well crews have different agendas, and could opt to district under factions (which kinda make more sense than factions districting under factions). 

Difference between a Faction and a Crew?

Well there would only be 6 Factions. Why 6? well theres 6 gun rackets in total, and the removal of Trio Drugs would also make it 6 Drug rackets. 
Each faction would have 2 Properties, a Gun Racket and a Drug racket. Obviously there's still a power dynamic as some Gun rackets have better guns than others, and some Drugs sell/process for more. This however would also disable the ability for Factions to process and trade drugs (selling only).

Crews would be able to buy the and process them. They would also only be able to have 1 property. This would limit their size and operations. As they cannot order any drugs, only buy and process them; perhaps they could sell weapon attachments for a secondary income. It may not be as big as gun's income, but better than just standing in a bathroom. 

Also limiting it to 2 casinos instead of 4 could also shift power dynamics in various ways. 

This suggestion could support multiple other idea's and bring back fun things like non pk raids/confrontations, "cold war" conflicts as we are in now, and various other things we'd love to see in RP

Converting some Factions into crews and allowing crew applications would allow diversity to continually thrive with an actual power system set in place. Obviously there's a bunch of shit missing from this that could actually make it functionable and whatnot- Though I cannot lie, been thinking about it for a while so I though why not post it here.

RE: massive suggestion - Marzii - 10-26-2023

What's bro massively waffling about?

RE: massive suggestion - CharlesSKS - 10-26-2023

Bro is on to nothing here!!!

RE: massive suggestion - Baselsamarah8484 - 10-26-2023

(10-26-2023, 10:20 PM)Marzii Wrote: What's bro massively waffling about?
I said important people.

RE: massive suggestion - Yuki - 10-26-2023

Ngl it would be really cool but to be fair it’s a huge change that would really alter the server so I doubt it would happen, but if it were there would need to be smaller things like the gun attachments you suggested and a bit of them to make it viable. Overall if done right would be amazing but high risk imo

RE: massive suggestion - Canadian-bacon - 10-26-2023

There's something here

Not whatever the fuck you're talking about, it's weird

but it made me think of something very light and unimportant

RE: massive suggestion - Upir - 10-26-2023

i think this idea will work if we still have miami server, the faction leaders will choose their main server and in the other server they will have a crew(subfaction), something like that.

RE: massive suggestion - Soulthedwarf - 10-26-2023

Would be cool if we had 2 servers

RE: massive suggestion - Red - 10-27-2023

Average baselsamarah waffle fr, 6 factions gotta be the worst idea I've ever seen, your idea with the drugs is an interesting one but not in a good way

RE: massive suggestion - Blizm - 10-27-2023

Who let bro cook