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Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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Ban Appeal - kaykang21 - 10-30-2023

Your Character or Steam Name: متلازمة داون

Your Steam ID: 76561199030380206

Your Discord ID#:alexsmith7363

Reason for ban: RDM and Extensive PO's

Length of ban: Permanent

Reason for appeal (dispute/apology): apology 

Why should you be unbanned? Back then I took everything for granted, seeing how many PO's I have. But after I got permanently banned I realized the mistakes I made and the fact that I took every ban and every kick for granted not knowing that later it will lead me into a permanently ban  . All the good memories I've made in that game is nothing like any other game I've played before. I was confused and didn't really know how the game really worked I know that I have a lot of hours in the game but I was sorta just there most of the time and having laughs with complete strangers. The main reason I got permanently banned was because I got in an unorganized mafia meaning that it wasn't an actual faction and was just ran by some friends that I didn't know. I guess you can call it like a militia (not an actual faction). They told me that I had to kill some of their enemies in order to get further into the gang so I did. I shot at what seemed like an Asian faction then I got teleported into an admin room and got permanently banned. All I was trying to do was get further into the gang I was following their orders and didn't mean to RDM people like that. I was pretty dumb and did things without thinking. Although I have a lot PO's I want to go back in the game and actually roleplay back then I wasn't really into roleplay so I would always RDM and mostly minge. But then I played other GMOD Roleplay games and got hooked. So please, let me back in the game and continue roleplaying with other people without being a complete dumbass. Thank you for taking you're time to read my appeal.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc.):  ONE OF THE MEMBERS OF THE FAKE GANG SCREENSHOT HERE: https://prnt.sc/QoE1z0AMEnSL AND https://prnt.sc/LD4TgGXP2OJP

RE: Ban Appeal - Pendred - 10-30-2023

21 bans

RE: Ban Appeal - kaykang21 - 10-31-2023

I understand that very well and it's one of the main reason why my appeals get rejected but back then I was pretty young and wasn't really into roleplaying genre games I would minge everytime I boot up the game but I can promise you that I will not minge at all and actually play the game the right way.

RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-02-2023

You initially accumulated 10 bans in 3 months (insane) and were then perma'ed

You then appealed 4 months later and it was accepted, you were given a second chance. Your appeal ---> https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=4098

You said the same things as you are saying here.

1. Great server
2. Miss the memories
3. Promise iv changed, ill rp properly
etc etc

You then accumulated 11 bans over the next 6 months and were permed again.

We are now here, 9 months later.

RE: Ban Appeal - kaykang21 - 11-04-2023

You are totally right. I just don't know what I have to say in order to show you on how much I actually want to play on the server. All I did was explain more about the gang and I was actually able to get some proof if it's even valid. Like I said I thought that it was just going to blow over and getting perma banned was not going to happen again but of course my dumbass got perma banned after getting a chance to hop on the server again....

RE: Ban Appeal - God Tier - 11-04-2023

That's impressive that you have 21 bans lmfao, he's gotta get some credit for that


RE: Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-05-2023

21 total bans, so 1 month of waiting for each ban

9 months down, so 12 more to go. See you next year.

Ban Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-05-2023

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules