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PK Appeal - Printable Version

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PK Appeal - Outkast - 11-03-2023

Name of Character: Chang Lee
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:515445868
My Discord ID: _kryptic._
Date of PK: 11/2/23
Reason for PK: Starting a Violent altercation with police.
Why should I be unPKed: I completely understand the basis of the PK overall, I was in a situation where the cops were attempting to arrest me, facing a situation where the charges would most likely PK me, I decided to kill multiple police officers attempting to arrest me, following killing the third officer I was killed my the fourth who was swimming in and out of the water tapping with a M16. So I am by no means disagreeing with the basis, I'm simply disagreeing with the proceeding actions. This clip shows the officer who killed me talking about my "PK" in game to another officer, https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/1BJdZePXSp3BeD/d1337It7fn3B?invite=cr-MSxDTU0sNTc0NTUyNzIs. My disagreement is how him doing this conflicts with the rule about not using OOC terms in game regarding the PK, according to it using OOC terms invalidates the PK. For anyone who may respond stating "Well, the rule is referring to someone yelling directly after the PK, "That's a PK, that's a PK", the rule specifically states "Such as" before that therefore using it as a example of the many OOC terms that can be used to invalidate a PK. 

RE: PK Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-03-2023

If you're not disputing the validity of the PK there's no real reason to be posting an appeal. That rule/policy is specifically for the moments after a kill to prevent cringe children from screaming 'PK PK' over the mic breaking the RP of the situation. As per the example embeded in the rule.

The clip you posted is clearly well after the situation occurred and the rule doesn't appeal here. While yes, the officers are using OOC terms over mic which constitutes a small rule violation it does not grant the ability to invalidate your pk because:

1) It is well after the PK situation
2) the subject of conversation would be irrelevant/could be different entirely
3) a casual OOC conversation over mic would be a minor warning at best
4) in normal circumstances you would not be privy to hearing this conversation at all; your character would be long killed already meaning you're either listening to their conversation on another character or you were not yet pk'ed and returned to the PD despite being killed and happened to eavesdrop on the convo.
5) The use of the term 'such' as does imply multiple possible scenarios, which can be true, but this is to the determination/discretion of staff, and it would not apply here.

Basically yea the rule doesnt extend that far. Would be silly.

PK Appeal - Canadian-bacon - 11-03-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.