Diverge Networks
Flag Appeals - Printable Version

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Flag Appeals - bioswales - 12-04-2023

Your Name: bioswales

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:47578262

Staff Member involved: idk?

What flags were blacklisted from you?: PET

Reason for blacklist (if given): 'Prop abuse', I think?

Why should they be returned?:I can't even recall the situations that may have led to any of these warnings to be honest. The dates I've gotten them apparently range from April, to June, to November. At the very least clarity on each of the warnings would be very nice because of how infrequent they are. 

RE: Flag Appeals - James - 12-04-2023

I took your flags and couldn't explain why at the time as you weren't on but you were flipping/pushing cars with props in order to blow them up, so due to the fact you are an experienced player I saw it fit to take your flags.

Flag Appeals - Yober - 12-04-2023

Your flag appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this blacklist to be reasonable and/or justified.

You are an experienced member. You know the rules and yet you still broke them. Please note this isn't permanent. You are free to apply in the future. Stay out of trouble and
Ensure you have read our Server Rules

RE: Flag Appeals - Canadian-bacon - 12-05-2023
