Diverge Networks
PK appeal - Printable Version

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PK appeal - jimmytwotimes10 - 12-11-2023

Name of Character: Jack A. Corvette

SteamID: 76561199574809961

Your Discord ID#: 1181321414842798154

Date of PK: 12/10/2023

Reason for PK: I was PKED because I was sentenced to 45 years in prison

I am writing to request an UnPK for the incident involving my character. It appears that there may have been a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the server rules during the encounter with Officer Ben Carter. The stacking of charges seems excessive, and I believe it may be unfair given the substantial time and development I have invested in my character.

I kindly request a thorough review of the situation to determine if any specific server or PK rules were violated during the encounter. Your understanding and consideration in this matter are greatly appreciated.

RE: PK appeal - wirebat - 12-11-2023

if you thought the charges were excessive/didn’t agree with them why’d u take a plea deal ?

RE: PK appeal - BoomRoasted - 12-11-2023

You were minging the entire time you were in the cells, doing a ton of /me's. At one point I pm'd and put in /looc to stop the minge. Saying you didn't understand what was happening is false as well as you knew what was going on see screenshot for proof. Big part of this server is valuing your character's life in every RP interaction you are in, and you choose the opposite and agreed to the deal.

RE: PK appeal - Canadian-bacon - 12-11-2023

I told you to stop being a weird fuck when you appealed your ban. If I see this behaviour from you again I will not hesitate to ban you.


PK appeal - Canadian-bacon - 12-11-2023

Your appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this PK to be reasonable and/or justified.

You may not re-appeal this PK.