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Reunification - Printable Version

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Reunification - GiovanniLucchese - 02-01-2024

Your Character or Steam Name: balbarian

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:495539526

Your Discord ID#: balbarian

Reason for ban: LTARP | POx3

Length of ban: Permament

Reason for appeal: Reconciliation

Why should you be unbanned?
Its was never my intention to start this whole thing, and I completely apologize for the actions commited. After being chased by police, I Had an Unlicensed Firearm on my person and didnt want to lose it When I swam to the Storage Units from the Warehouse the Cops were there already to arrest me, I acted dumb, just got up and left the server. Its been a while since my ban and ive taken this time to reflect on not only these actions but of the Numerous ive commited over the Years. I'm a Diverge Veteran, playing since MP, so I knew the what to's and what not to's of the server numerous times, which I did, but did not follow. 

I acted Selfish, always trying to bend the rules in my favor, and I'm not proud of that. Im really dissapointed in how I behaved myself. I was not a in any means a Valuable player, just someone who acted how they wanted to, at the expense of not only the server ;but; the people around him. Ive submitted numerous permanent ban appeals in the past, theyve all been accepted up to this one, and i dont see a reason you should unban me, I caused this on myself and theres nobody else to blame but me for this. 

I want to Apologize to the Numerous admins that had to waste their time and put up with this kind of behaviour on my end, when I easily knew better than to do that, yet still did it anyway. 
1) Shittor | You were the one who I made waste your time, and get off your main character, switch over to your Staff & ban me, when I should have never even have done it in the first place. 

2) Pendred | You have the best server on GMOD, and the Community, the Gamemode, and just the Server in its Entirety is Terrific, and I Apologize to you, Sincerely. What I have done on your server was not only really stupid but self-sentered and all around just brainless. I was a Stupid Dense Simpleminded Brute that was Waltzing their way around, behaving however they wanted, disregarding evey warning and opportunity given to them, which were Many. 

3) Rem | You accepted my last Permaban, giving me the Opportunity to Redeem myself on the Server, and I naively threw it away, and now i see where it landed me. You are a Valued member of the community and I've seen your efforts in correcting me throughout this time, and i thank you sincerely for it, I myself planted this stain on myself and don't see a reason it should be washed out. 

I've asked for chances time and time again. But this time, all hope is Lost. I know there is not way I can be trusted back on the server, I recognize my wrongdoings, But I know my Grave Was already Dug and Filled, and there's no coming back.

It was never my intention to Hurt, Harm, Disparage, Discourage Any Party or Individual during these acts, and I whole heartedly apologize for the Behavior I Exhibited. I Enjoy playing Diverge & hanging around with the community, and it really sucks when that's taken away. I just got on Break from Uni and I'm planning in investing a lot of time into the server, I plead with you to consider my Request, I understand the Situation is Grave, and What I did is Foolish but i Swear, I will Fall in Line, and not one Toe out.

Additional Information (images, videos, etc):

Some Funny Clips i gathered over the years



RE: Reunification - Ellipsis - 02-01-2024

He has been messaging staff to comment on his post.


RE: Reunification - Canadian-bacon - 02-01-2024

Funny thread: https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=6670

Last time you appealed a ban: https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=6659

Last time you appealed a permanent ban: https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=2984

When you appealed another permanent ban and it got reduced to 2 weeks (Note the title): https://divergenet.works/forums/showthread.php?tid=4190

Total bans: 17

Total Notes: 30

Total time spent banned: 3 months, 21 days, 9 hours OR 111 days, 9 hours OR 2,673 hours.

Why should you get another chance, you already had TWO permanent bans appealed successfully, have a massive amount of bans when the average player barely gets only warned and you have already apologized out your ass on old appeals but maintain the same dumb attitude.

RE: Reunification - GiovanniLucchese - 02-01-2024

I was Angry and Frustrated that something I worked so hard for was taken away before I could see it Coming. At the time it seemed fine to do what I did, now that I look back on it the whole situation was completely avoidable and theres nobody else to blame but me. Im Disappointed in myself, acting Selfish and Immature no Wonder the Ban was permanent, Id already be playing the Server and having fun had I not been so ignorant.

RE: Reunification - Jesus on the block - 02-01-2024

Messaging me on discord is not a way to get my side

RE: Reunification - Generic rapper - 02-02-2024

17 bans guys worse then me lmao

RE: Reunification - Canadian-bacon - 02-02-2024

(02-01-2024, 11:07 PM)GiovanniLucchese Wrote: I was Angry and Frustrated that something I worked so hard for was taken away before I could see it Coming. At the time it seemed fine to do what I did, now that I look back on it the whole situation was completely avoidable and theres nobody else to blame but me. Im Disappointed in myself, acting Selfish and Immature no Wonder the Ban was permanent, Id already be playing the Server and having fun had I not been so ignorant.

You're always so 'sorry'

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RE: Reunification - GiovanniLucchese - 02-02-2024

I Understand.

I've been a Player of Diverge for a Very Long time, most of, if not all of my notes and bans happened before 2024, while I'm not using this to justify any reason I should be let back, I want to let it be known, were my request be taken into consideration, I will try my best.

I know ive already broken through the Ice, and Breaking it is Surely an Exile. I Love Diverge, its very well-made compared to all other Nutscript servers, the Cars, Radios, Police Force, the RP, Hell, even the character customization down to all the different cracks and seeps you can use to make money. I've garnered a lot of cherished memories from my experience playing diverge, and I know my track record shows of a player who Lied at every step of the Way to get what they wanted no matter the expense of the Staff, and it Really sucks when thats taken away. Diverge was a lot of fun and ive played on it for so long that it became a Hobbie. I know that I wasnt the best of players, but I do know What it means to RP, and Follow Server Guidelines. I will be an Exemplary Player on not Only the server but to the community as a whole, and making a ridicule of myself on your platform were I to be allowed Entry. 

And I don't really see a reason I should be let back, I've been a Liar, a Hypocrite, a Selfish and Self-Centered Douchebag undercutting the Staff & players on the server at every step of the way, and I recognize this, I understand that all the bullshit I did, it led me right here, on a forum page talking to the server staff because nobody else gives a shit. (Rightfully so)

I was in no aspect a "Good Player" when I got Banned, but this stretches a very long time.

I remember my first permaban like it was yesterday, i was getting fired from PD so out of a fit of rage I decided to prop block the PD with Nazi flags before getting permabanned off the server, I Appealed, telling you what i did wrong and that id never do it again, and it got accepted, due to it being my very first permanent ban.

My Second ban Appeal was a bit complicated to say the least, i had gotten into some hot water with the leaders of the Armenian Power 13 Gang because my cop character (Frank Frazlano) pked their don(Ruben Avetisyan), and they were trying anything to get me either banned or discharged from PD. I logged onto a Rabbi character I had laying around and saw that he was locked in a Cell at PD(I'm guessing from leaving the server for a while during that character being sent to jail, and me leaving the server for a long period of time so the jail timer ran out so my character was still stuck in the where he left) I got Bored, Called Staff and Verax took the ticket, he said he was going to get someone so I waited even longer, but nobody came. I decided to switch characters and do something else, when i made a ticket and verax took it, recognizing my voice he knew it was me, the guy that was in the cells after he called officers to get me out of the cell, Permabanned me on the Spot for LTARP, I went on to Appeal this as an Apology as I really didn't know how i could justify it, a member of UA just permabanned me and I wasn't sure if Disputing it was a Right call, so I Apologized for what i did and "swore not to do it again" <-- Recurring Theme in a lot of my Apologies

Now its the Third, the End of the Road. What's left is a Forums Post Deciding whether i can be trusted enough to re-enter society, after soo long in a White Patted room in a Straightjacket.
I can say, that i am able to be Trusted, On Probation.

My Record shows someone who can only be let back under the strictest of guidelines, and to those i Accept. I don't mind being Monitored 24/7 like a toddler, because I'm a Big Boy, i know the rules, and i know what i can and cannot do. I Always knew this, through time and time again I've gotten caught with my pants down, with nobody else to vouch for me but only myself, I know people can change.

I want to be my Best  on Diverge, no more dicking around and acting like a spastic retard.. 

You can Trust Me, I will Make Sure of It.

Reunification - Yober - 02-02-2024

Your ban appeal has been reviewed and denied.

We have determined this ban to be reasonable and/or justified.

Ensure you have read our Server Rules