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Rudaj Organization - Printable Version

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Rudaj Organization - Nation of Islam Fan #1 - 02-06-2024

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgp1.wac.edgecastcdn.net...ipo=images]

Name of Faction:
Rudaj Organization

Number of Members (Minimum of 5): 10

Type Of Faction (Family, Triad, Street Gang, etc): Mafia

Ethnic Background (ex: Italian, Greek, African American, Irish, etc): ALBANIAN

Name of Character running the faction: Fatmir Ramadani

Your Discord # (ex: gamer#4210): jeb.com.ru

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53077958

Your Server playtime: 5d 10h 19m

Do you acknowledge and agree to all faction rules as detailed on the server rules page? (Yes/No): Yes

Do you acknowledge that your faction discord will be owned by us? (Yes/No): Yes

Provide an example of the unique Roleplay your faction will bring to the server/what type of roleplay we can expect from your faction (Images/Videos Preferred):

The Rudaj Organization will provide peek role play for the server and members of the community involved. The Rudaj Organization will interact with the community by providing traditional Albanian Feasts within the city of New York. The Albanian people are proud and are very family orientated due to the great Albanian Diaspora. With this being the case, the Rudaj Organization will purse a friendship with most cultures except those from the Baltic areas. We will push to incorporate traditional foods such as Bukë misri, a type of cornbread, which we would love to push to the public. We also plan to promote Islam as a religion since most of Albania is Islamic. This will provide a new religion to the server and a difference of beliefs which could provide conflict (deadly or not).

Examples of Role play:

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FdcrD...ipo=images]
(Bukë misri)
[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc8.alamy.com%2Fcomp%2FT...ipo=images]

(Image of Traditional Albanian Feast. We plan to do this with the mixed nature of New York to create friendships.)

[Image: 1280px-A_traditional_male_folk_group_from_Skrapar.JPG]
(Common Albanian Outfit)

Provide examples or event ideas to promote activity within your faction and keep people interested. (Reference your unique RP from the question above):

The key point of the Albanian People are to be united. Not only do the Albanian love each other, they have the same struggle against the Serbian People. Great ways to promote role play within our faction would be to host family dinners or organize a block party where we celebrate our Albanian pride! Albanians, in real life, are crazy and will do anything to protect their family and friends so arson parties are not out of the question! We will bring folk music to the city and new culture. We will have prayer times so we can respect our god (Allah). We will proudly fly the red and black flag with our double headed eagle! Family will be the biggest point of the faction. Another role play event we would employ would be called the “Gypsy Strategy” in which we will steal from all people and promote the Gypsy lifestyle THEN we will blame the Gypsy for the massive spike in crime within the city and play a two sided war in a sense. We will also push for a great representation in government organization due to the fact that the Albanian people are a great minority. We shall host Albanian pride events where we celebrate our heritage in the USA and Albania. Like said before, the Albanian People are proud and will not back down when threaten. We also all plan to learn a little bit of Albanian so we can speak and understand each other while other people not knowing what we said. The Albanian people are fans of Rugby, so we will try to organize rugby games and have betting places that will be rigged. We have a prop setup for rugby so the only issue will be finding the players! I can say way more but this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes the Albanian activities.

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2F1.bp.blogspot.com%2F-je...ipo=images]

[Image: ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2F4...ipo=images]

Organization Backstory (Min. of 250+ Words & any images):

All though the Rudaj Organization was founded in the 1990s, we want to change up the whole progress of Mafias based off of Ethnic groups which are commonly Italian or Irish. The historical past of the Rudaj Organization is that it was started in Westchester, New York where it would spread to the Bronx and Queens. It is rumored that the leader of this organization was Mr. Alex Rudaj but there is also rumors of an Italian man connected with the Gambino family running it. Mr. Alex Rudaj immigrated to the United States of American with his friends, Fatmir Ramadani and Shqiprim Mehmeti, where they would run into financial troubles. Mr. Rudaj came up with an idea to start a bookmaking business in which a bookmaker is a glorified accountant for betting in sporting events or anything else. With this Mr. Rudaj, Mr Ramadani, and Mr Mehmeti would make gains on funding and representation within the criminal underground. Mr Rudaj’s Organization needed some growing space so the organization decided to make home in the Bronx in which Mr. Rudaj took advantage of the African American population by underpaying them as bookmakers and general laborers. Mr. Rudaj didn’t like African Americans. He is on record of saying that “these @$%#@$%^ are a bunch of %$$#^#% welfare @$#%$ EBT @23$%$% people” Mr. Rudaj grew some enemies within the Black Bronx population so he yet again decided to move to Queens. This would be a somewhat nicer area as Mr. Rudaj stated that the reason for the nicer area is the lack of [REDACTED]. While Mr. Rudaj was sleeping in his Queens Apartment, a Serbian Hitman from the homeland, killed Mr. Rudaj in his sleep with a sickle. When Mr. Ramadani and Mr. Mehmeti learned of this, they were devastated since Mr. Rudaj was the one to provide freedom for the Communist Bloc. Mr. Ramadani visited Mr. Rudaj’s Family and provided his condolences and stated that he will provide to the family to ensure that they never go hungry nor have no roof over their head. After Mr. Rudaj’s Services, Mr. Ramadani and Mr. Mehmeti called for a meeting of the Organization to under go some reorganization. In this meeting, Mr. Ramadani called for an official ranking system to ensure business is kept in line and in order. Mr. Ramadani established the “Chains of order” These consisted of:

Kyretar - Boss
Bajrak - Underboss
Zbatues - Enforcer
Mik - Friend/Associate
Ushtar – Soldier

Mr. Ramadani was very inclined to ensure the function of this organization is up kept for not only his own family but Mr. Rudaj’s Family. Mr. Ramadani wanted to expand the business by getting into loan sharking. Mr. Ramadani would make a lot of money due to this. He would also have the knee caps of those who were late on payments. From now on, Mr. Ramadani would be the "Feard Albanian".

[Image: Alex_Rudaj_on_15_April_2003.jpg]

[color=#ffffff][size=large][font=Times New Roman][Image: ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fimages4.fanpop.com%2Fima...ipo=images]


RE: Rudaj Organization - Knrboy - 02-06-2024

Interesting, Unique, Well Written, Soon-To-Be run by a genius roleplayer, what's not to love?

RE: Rudaj Organization - groove - 02-06-2024

+1 I cannot put into words how much I want this faction to be accepted. The quality of roleplay it would bring to the server is HUGE, fantastic, marvelous, and top-tier.

RE: Rudaj Organization - TheHypaOne - 02-06-2024

I love this idea! I love Albania and its people very, very much!!! I believe that this faction's inclusion could boost roleplay.

RE: Rudaj Organization - Eospin - 02-07-2024

if you told me I would be paid $1000 to +1 this post I would say NO because I LOVE ALBANIA and am PROUD TO SUPPORT... GIVE MONEY BACK TO ALBANIA...


______________ ᵖᶤʳʲᵒ____¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶____________________

RE: Rudaj Organization - Fox - 02-07-2024


- Decent enough app. I know the meta is to post into a google doc which isn't always necessary, I do believe it could've benefited your app in this case.
- Good ideas for cultural style of events, and RP.

- Not enough play time, with 5d of play time, I personally don't think you're ready to spearhead a faction. It takes a lot of responsibility and I think maybe some more playtime in other factions would help you
- Backstory lacks a bit, you talk a lot about what you will do if your faction was added to the city, but not enough about the backstory of your faction. In your backstory part you mention Mr. Ramadani 9 times and Mr. Rudaj 12 times, it starts to become very illegible.

RE: Rudaj Organization - Ayden - 02-07-2024

The UA member that commented above is cool, but does not understand the experience of the creator. The strict adherence to the "standards" of the server is far superior than him and sadly those placed in these positions do not often understand that some have administrated the growth and success of popular servers. Personally, this faction is the only faction that would be worth a thing. The only fear to adding this faction is that it might end up taking over the entire roleplay experience.

RE: Rudaj Organization - Seansx - 02-07-2024


sorry not enough playtime though in my eyes maybe rack up some more experience on the server then put in another application

RE: Rudaj Organization - Mike Hunt - 02-08-2024

Reason is, there is good lore, and Jeb is a great leader/person who will add such an amount of rp that everyone in the server would enjoy, and Offer, it would be 10x better rp than when myself (Arthur Tolbert) ran the MC of Sons of Silence. As an focus point for being a Baltic ethnic group it will provide great banter between the Italians and Albanians, think about the possibilities of what could happen. I Really think that a faction like this could add some great chemistry that the server hasn't seen in a while, who knows maybe some old players might come back, and see what a great impact on the server *IF* the faction at least gets a chance to show the player base what they could offer. Again I will be doing a 1+

RE: Rudaj Organization - Jomba - 02-08-2024

YES YES YES!!! I LOVE ALBANIA +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 = 21! YOU STOOPID IF U SAY NO 